chapter 6

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Aday had passed I was still thinking about that incident with the stranger.i had forgotten all about my argument with Appa.

The deep brown eyes that strange man had. That dimple smile, and his little nose.

There was nothing scary about him.

He was a lot bigger than me, his size was the only thing intimidating about him.

But somehow I felt breathless standing in front of him.

I wonder if I'll ever see him again.

I snapped out of my thoughts to the sound of my phone's ringtone.

I checked the caller a I.D and saw that it was my bestie calling.

"Hey girl" I said while she responded immediately.

"Hey! Want to go camping with me and our other friends tonight?"

I really didn't want to go.

I hate the woods and she knows that.

"I'll pass this time"

"You always say that!" She practically screamed in my ear.

"I don't?" I responded but it came out as more of a question than a defense.

"Yes you do" she said. I could tell she was faking being mad at me.

"Fine" I continued "what time?"

"8 o'clock tonight" she squealed before hanging up the call.

I didn't have a good feeling about this.i hated the woods and if we were meeting at 8 o'clock, then it would be dark when we meet.

But I ignored those feelings and decided that maybe I should just loosen up and have some fun.

I grabbed a bag and filled it with a few necessary things that I needed if I was going to spend a night out.

After I packed I ran downstairs to find Appa, even after an argument I still had to inform him that I was leaving.

"Appa! I'm going camping!" I screamed through the hallway just to find out that he was standing behind me.

He looked disappointed. Probably because I just screamed while he was so close.

"But you hate the woods" Appa pointed out the obvious.

"I know, but my friends are going"

"Ok" he sighed "be careful princess"

"I will Appa" I said before running out the front door.

It was currently 7 o'clock so if I ran to the woods I should be twenty minutes early.

I started to run and didn't look back until I reached the woods.

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