chapter 3

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Namjoon POV-

The cold wind brushed against my face as I was riding my motorcycle back to my friend's law firm. My friend's name was Kim Seokjin, he was wealthy but he wasn't a millionaire or anything.

Jin owned a huge law firm, so anytime I got myself into trouble he was there to get me out of it.

He was not my only friend, as a matter of fact my other friends will be meeting Jin and I at the law firm.

My motorcycle came to a halt as I turned on the parking brake and took my helmet off.

I took a moment to enjoy the fresh air before hopping off of my motorcycle and going inside the law firm.

It was like any other boring law firm. Brown and tan walls, boring paintings, lots of books, and many files.

There were a few other attorneys talking to different clients, probably over little things like their parents will or something in that direction.

I walked down the hall and turned to Jin's office.i barged through the door and sat down on a chair as he was still busy typing not even caring about my existence.

"What do you need?" He asked while not taking his eyes off the computer.

"You know if you take your eyes off that computer, the world will explode" I said just because I wanted to know his answer to that.

"Mhm" was all he said as he kept typing.

Well that's sad to know that he was ignoring me. I'm more entertaining than that, right?

Suddenly two familiar faces walked into the room while laughing. Jin looked up and closed his computer and welcomed them. How unbelievable.

"So why did you want to meet with me?" Jin said while looking at me.

"Well, I have a new mission. But if we fail, we need you to bail us out"

"And why would I do that? Bailing you out is ruining my reputation"

"Because it's not just me, aren't Taehyung and Jungkook your friends too?"

Jin sighed before looking at his calendar. "What day and who's house?" He questioned.

"Tomorrow night at the Choi residents" I said with confidence.

"Choi?? The politician?" Taehyung gasped.

I nodded.

We have never robbed this big of a place before, but it was going to be perfect.

"I was thinking Jungkook could watch Mr. Choi, and Taehyung could make sure no neighbors see me robbing the house " I said while Taehyung and Jungkook happily nodded while Jin was busy tapping his pen on his desk.

"Just don't get caught. A politician can seriously harm my law firm. So don't do anything unnecessary" he said with a small amount of hesitation in his voice.

"Don't worry hyung, everything will be fine" I assured


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