Small Training Session.

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I do not own KDA or anything referenced.

-Grey POV two weeks later -

I enter the training grounds to see Briar doing an obstacle course, and a few others sparring with each other. I take off my shirt and put it next to my bag as I put on some gloves. I walk up to a training dummy and go through my motions. As I'm training I hear something coming towards me, and I roll out of the way as the dummy is pierced by a huge sword. I look over to a white haired woman and a woman with an eye patch.

 I look over to a white haired woman and a woman with an eye patch

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"The fuck is your problem?" I ask as the white haired girl grabs her sword. She smirks at me and points her sword towards me with one hand.

"I heard you're strong! I'd like to test my abilities against you Kitsune!" She says and I go to grab a training sword.

"What she means is she'd like a sparring partner. I'm Samira and this is Riven." Samira says and I nod to her.

"Gotcha. You could have just asked me Riven." I say and get into my stance.

"Well that's no fun." She says and I chuckle. Samira walks to the side and raises her arm up high.

"The first one to be disarmed or pinned loses. If your weapon breaks then that is counted as being disarmed. Understand?" She asks and we both nod. "Good. Begin!" She yells and swings her arm down. Riven yells loudly as she jumps into the air, and tries to bring her sword down onto me. I easily side step the attack and go for a kick to her side, she barely raises up the sword, and is sent sliding back as the sword blocks the kick. She smirks and I rush at her, I use my agility and flexibility to dodge her attempts to hit me.

"You're just as slippery as Ahri damn it! You two are so annoying!" Riven yells and begins to swing wildly. As she swings harder she actually sends out gusts of wind.

"Calm down Riven!" I yell and slide under her sword. She screams and goes to slam her sword down on me. I roll out of the way, her sword pierced the ground deeply, and I kick the hilt so much strength it breaks.

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