The Academy

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I do not own LoL or KDA or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

We enter this massive building with a bunch of people waving and smiling at us. It felt weird as we don't know anything about these people. As I was walking I bumped into a girl and I quickly offered her a hand. "Sorry about that." I say and she smiles up at me.

"No problem." She says and takes my hand as I help her up. "My name is Aegis." She says and I nod.

"Grey." I say with a smile only for Ahri to get in the way with a growl.

"Sorry Aegis. I need to get my Son to the Head Summoner." Ahri growls making Aegis nod her head and quickly run away.

"What was that about?" I growl and she looks up at me.

"You have to focus on your studies!" She growls and I growl right back at her.

"Don't try and act like a parent now!" I growl lowly.

"I'm not acting." She says and I growl.

"Do you even hear yourself? You NEVER visited me! But the girls got visited at least a few times! You never made an effort!" I tell her and she takes a step back.

"Come on Kid." Omega says and I snap my head towards him.

"Oh don't you fuckin start with me. You're just as pathetic as them." I tell him and he crosses his arms.

"You think you could take me in a fight?" He asks and I laugh loudly.

"You're not even worth the warm up." I say and Kimberly puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Grey." She says and I scoff. "You're getting angry." She says and I sigh before taking a deep breath.

"Yeah yeah." I say and calm down. "You guys are really pathetic." I say and begin to walk away.

"Grey!" I hear a familiar voice scream making me flinch. She only uses this tone when I'm in trouble. I look at the second floor to see a familiar red headed woman.

 I look at the second floor to see a familiar red headed woman

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She jumps from the second floor and lands gracefully. She stands up and storms up to me with a glare. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to the Academy? I would have came to get you personally." She says and I look away from her.

"I didn't have much of a choice." I say and she walks up to me. I look down into her glare before she actually smiles. She fixes my shirt and looks at my scarf.

"Well I'm glad you're here. You can actually meet your aunt Cassiopeia and uncle Talon." She says and I smile.

"Excuse me?" Ahri says and gets between us. Katarina smirks and looks at Ahri before laughing.

"You're excused Nine-tails." She says making me smile. "You just interrupted a conversation between me and my boy." Katarina says making Ahri's tails shake in rage.

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