A New Group

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I do not own KDA or anything referenced.

-Grey POV The next day-

I sit in the lunchroom watching the girls make friends. I'm happy for them and I'm glad they are having it much easier than me. "What's wrong Hun?" Katarina asks and I sigh softly.

"I'm fine." I say and she sits across from me.

"Bullshit." She says and plays with one of her knives. "I basically raised you Grey. So I'm going to pretend you didn't just try to lie to me." She says and I groan.

"I'm fine. Truly I am. I'm just not good about making... friends." I say and she smiles.

"See? Was it really that hard?" She asks and I scoff.

"Easy for you to say. I hate being vulnerable." I say and she smiles.

"Why don't you try and make friends?" She asks and I scoff.

"I did. But all they did was ask about the girls and how they could get with them." I say and she frowns.

"What about female friends?" She asks and I groan.

"Then tell those four and Ahri to back off. Do you know how hard it is to make female friends, when they barge in and basically assault her with questions?" I ask and she smiles.

"I've got just the girl for you. Wait right here." She says and throws her knife before disappearing. I'm really confused until a few minutes go by and she walks up with a small girl.


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"Grey this is Briar. She was made by a cult to be the ultimate weapon. She also doesn't know how to interact with people. Maybe you two could help each other out and make new friends." Kat says and I nod.

"Hello Briar." I say and she smiles nervously.

"H-Hello. May I taste your blood?" She asks and quickly covers her mouth. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone." She says and I grab her wrist gently.

"Sit and chat with me. Why did you want to taste my blood?" I ask and she shifts slightly.

"Blood helps me relax thanks to my necklace. It might be easier to talk to you. But I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable!" She says and I grab a knife. She flinches but I put it to my wrist causing both of them to look at me.

"I would like to be your friend." I say as I slit my wrist and offer it to her. She looks up at me shocked as I smile. "Do you accept my friendship?" I ask and she gently grabs my arm. She looks up at me as I smile. She licks my blood up gently and consumes it. She hums happily and I use a little magic to heal the cut.

"Thank you." She says with a little more confidence.

"Anything for a new friend." I say and she smiles showing off her sharp teeth.

From The Rift Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora