The child in the storm.

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[Attempted to remake Zero-Effort... Needless to say I put too much effort onto him :')
But that'll be his new body, and his cannons are double the size than it was originally thus its weird look]

Zero-Effort awoke the from thunder outside causing him to rush outside, his ship tilted nearly throwing him off board himself, he looked over panicking at the crackle of energy. I grabbed into one of his smoke stacks as he clung onto something for dear life.

Zero-Effort: What is-

Before he could ask anything he went speechless as he tried getting back into he bridge as he stared at certain doom of a 40 meter tall wave going toward him. "Full speed" he squealed inside of his mind as the ship moved faster on command while he kept trying to get back in.

Zero-Effort: Please... I don't want to die..

He looked at his own door in despair as it opened up making him able to jump into the bridge and lock the door, his eyes swelling up in tears as his ship failed to get away from the wave, his ship tilting over as he saw his own demise. He fell onto the cold wall of his ship knocking him out.


Edinburg: Hm?

Belfast: What is it Edinburg?

Edinburg looked at Belfast as they traversed through the storm, she shook her head thinking nothing of what she saw as lightning struck down, both were confused as to why they were sent there to find someone. A rogue ship girl or a lost one, but neither of them can get a scan on the child, they looked around starting to get worried as they looked at the picture of the ship that was spotted.

Belfast: Any signs of the ship?

Edinburg: Not yet Belfast, but with this storm, we may sink... This storm is-

Belfast noticed something behind Edinburg as she lunged at her and moved her out of the way of the massive object as, they both looked at the ship which was much too small for a battleship, even for a destroyer, but the shape of it was extremely old, they both nodded at one another as they summoned their ships.

Edinburg: We found her...

Belfast couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows as the rogue ship went impossibly fast even for an old model, she nodded to Edinburg and rushed to the ship as fast as she could and latched onto the hull almost falling off with Edinburg.

she looked at the smoke stacks and noticed something off... There was no smoke. Nothing. The ship was powered by something else. She shook her head as curiosity peaked Edinburg managed to get on deck and noticed there was only one compartment, She struggled to open the door, even resulting in her shooting it, but of course the door didn't budge.

Belfast: Why did you shoot Edinburg?

Belfast looked over to Edinburg as she got up to the deck.

Edinburg: A child... She's unconscious in there.

Belfast looked onto the place, it was dark but she can see the child as her footing was firmly planted on the deck.

Belfast: Not even a scratch on the door...

Belfast felt the door as she ignored the waves slamming against the hull of the ship. She looked over to Edinburg and nodded. 

Belfast: She cannot steer herself to safety, Edinburg. We'll need to act as her rudders.

Edinburg nodded as she leapt back down onto the ocean and pushed the ship to the left trying to move the direction of it to go forward to their main base. Belfast soon followed jumping into the ocean and slamming herself to change the destination.

Belfast: Edinburg, get back on the ship, we'll be fine for now...

Edinburg nodded and jumped back on deck while Belfast got on. She looked over to the direction of the base and sighed relieved. She looked at the clear path as the ship travelled over to there, she couldn't help but be worried about the child, but also curious of the ship itself. Not travelling through the usage of coal but using old ways of movement in water.

Belfast: I wonder what type of person you'll be...

She looked at the dark clouds and sighed once more.

Belfast: How should I report this to her majesty...

Edinburg: Accounting to her indestructability or nigh-indestructability and speed, she may be a good asset to the royal navy.. If she were to join us that is.

Belfast chuckled and cleared her mind from the panic.

Belfast: But I must hope that she doesn't end up like lord Royale Ark.

Edinburg just stared at Belfast unamused, they stared at their base as the slowly arrived... But one thing finally hit them...

Belfast: How are we going to stop the ship..?

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