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Someone walks into the world, someone much larger than Bassmarck/Ottoman and Zero-Effort...

Omega has arrived.

Omega: Where am I now?

The man just stands still in between the land and the sea with his clothes being white and gold with some blue inside of his uniform, his uniform was the exact same as Zero-Effort and Ottoman, however he didn't belong to anything. He walked to the ocean and just stood there admiring the view.

Omega: May thy lord bless this world.

Back to Zero-Effort however...

Zero-Effort: Oh but you don't see my masterplan...

Ark Royal: Your masterplan?

Zero-Effort: When they're going to pay the bills for their food, it's already been paid for!

Ark Royal's brain has failed functioning.

Zero-Effort: Mother are you okay?

Ark Royal fell onto the ground trying to process why and what she heard from her 'daughter'.

Zero-Effort: Um....

Zero-Effort abandoned his plan and dragged his mother to the clinic. He stayed there just sitting around while trying to get a slight snack from the vending machine which was ironically still the same which he was mainly annoyed with as he has no way of getting the machine to work.

Zero-Effort: This is a problem...

He kicked the vending machine in frustration and sighed as he holds his foot as he was physically weak with his meat body.

Zero-Effort: FU-

[Insert anime opening here]

Bassmarck looks out a window as the birds flew by with the white clouds and the blue sky, he looks at his arm which has a mark which he put a plaster on it. He clenched his fist and ran out of the room and into the streets, 5:30AM in the morning.

Bassmarck: WAKE UP!

No response.

Bassmarck: WAKE THE HELL UP!

Yet again no response.

Bassmarck: DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!

No response once more with Bassmarck giving off an evil grin.

Bassmarck: I did warn you.

Bassmark went at full volume and started blasting BASSMARCK.

Deutschland: WHO IS PLAYING THAT?!


Z20: Eh...

Z19: I'm already awake though...

Friedrich: It's too early in the morning...

Friedrich fell back asleep.

Prinz Heinrich: Please... No more of this, I'm really gonna cry the next time...

Roon: I'M ACTUALLY LOSING MY SH!T HERE SHUT UP! <- (Babysitter of Bassmarck)

Youre incredibly small for a battleship.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz