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Omega arrived to his children who were searching for him, he hears someone say 'It should've been me' which made him look around confused, he sighed and went to them ignoring what he heard.

Omega: My children~

Zero-Effort and Bassmarck: DAD!

The duo jumped onto Omega with them just cuddling up to him, they were worried that something happened to him.

Zero-Effort: What happened?

Omega: Nothing much my children... Just met a woman- No that can wait, Bassmarck my son, you were supposed to bring me to Bismarck am I right?

Bassmarck: Jawohl!

Bassmarck proceeded to lead them to his mother's office where she was busy doing paper work.

Bassmarck: Mama! I have brought papa!

Bismarck: Good work. Took you long enough, though I did expect Friedrich to kidnap him for a big so your lateness will be excused this time.

Bassmarck: YES!

Bismarck: And you...

Bismarck looked over to Zero-Effort.

Bismarck: Royal Ark am I right?

Zero-Effort: Yeah- Wait a minute

Bismarck: I'm surprised nobody caught on to you.

Zero-Effort stared silently panicking as his German appearance was casually been seen through.

Bismarck: I'm surprised so little knows that you're a boy

Omega: I require you to not speak to thy child like that.

Bismarck and Omega glared at each other before Bismarck sighing in defeat as if she were to argue or be more strict, Omega will leave.

Bismarck: Alright.

Omega: Good, now then why would you have wanted to meet me? You are his biological mother after all, which is why I have chosen to arrive here.

Bismarck: How are you male?

Omega: An odd question?

Bismarck: There's only 3 of you known. Never any shipboys made in the past.

Omega: I see, albeit I don't know how to answer your question

Bismarck: I see.. 

 Zero-Effort and Bassmarck looked at one another as this continued with how awkward and tense the situation was. Though... At another place... A storm was brewing. A man stood up on a platform, his eyes staring at the horizon, his eyes melting from the sun's ray, he looked at the ground and stood up to the unfamiliar place... His name? Basque. The living station.

Basque: Shi-

Back to the group though. Omega was simply conversing to Bismarck as she tried asking more before giving up, Bismarck let Omega and Zero-Effort go as she didn't need to worsen her, Omega held the hands of his sons and left the office where Bismarck was looking down at her desk before looking at a picture.

Bismarck:... Love.. I wish you were still here...

She picked up the frame and held it close to her, shedding a slight tear before putting it back down, she wiped the tear off her face and looked at the situation at hand. She rested her arms onto the arm rests of her chair, she sighed before looking at the pile of paper work which made her scoff before sighing in relief as she only had 25 papers left to finish off.

Bismarck: Mein gott... This is tiring...

Bismarck went to finish the papers as Omega went to the dock and summoned his ship which hovered in place, he picked up Zero-Effort onto his back and kissed Bassmarck on the forehead which made him smile a little and get embarrassed.

Omega: Don't push yourself my son... I'll be back after a month.

Omega left with Zero-Effort, inside the ship Omega looked over to his son who was simply enjoying the view. Omega smiled before leaving Zero-Effort on the deck, Zero-Effort sat down watching the clouds.

Zero-Effort: The weather is beautiful today. Oh yeah I still haven't checked on the gacha system..

Zero-Effort went onto his phone and went into his gacha, luckily he managed to save up a bit, though not much only 200 gems he saved up. He pressed onto the gacha system, ofc he only purchased commons. He ended up back with 200 gems with only one cartridge of a tape recording which he had no idea what to do with.

Zero-Effort: What am I supposed to do with this?

Zero-Effort pressed and played around with it, it was empty with no film inside. He looked around but ofc still nothing, he kept looking around before just stopping at the label which read 'What if'. Zero-Effort was simply out of ideas and decided to just press the label thinking nothing of it.

Zero-Effort: Welp.

Zero-Effort was about to throw it away but it started giving a whirring sound that could be heard, he looked back at it and noticed the label had changed to 'Dreams of a family.'

Zero-Effort: What the...

[Boom, sadly that'll be the end of the chaptor, I'll be taking a slight break though from the whole writing thing for a bit or work on something else on the mean time... Hopefully you enjoyed, sorry for not spending enough time on working on this]

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