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???: !

The two got ready for battle, they couldn't just leave the battleship behind, the two sent out an SOS hoping that someone would come, the two started to fight back, though they were struggling, each shot they had to dodge, due to the fact that there is a battleship in tow they couldn't activate their rigging, most of the enemy fire did manage to hit but luckily some ricocheted off their main bodies.

???2: We need to activate our rigging!

???: And leave her behind?!

???2: We need to attack, if we stay on the defensive we will all sink!

???: But-

???2: This the best option for us, we should be able to deal with them with our rigging.

???: But she will be wide open!

???2: We need to do just that! We need to prioritise our safety right now, we don't even know her!

The first girl wanted to retort but the second girl was correct, they needed to fight if they wanted to survive, she equipped her rigging along with the second girl, they dodged the shots while shooting back, some sirens shot at Zero-Effort only to do nothing but annoy him in his nap. The two managed to sink a battleship, but due to the carrier they couldn't exactly sink the other battleship, it took them a while though receiving damage from the planes, they managed to sink the two destroyers, though the battleship and carrier was still there, so they decided to make the carrier the top priority.

Zero-Effort: Keep it down will you?

The duo had a hard time dodging the plane's attacks but they managed to sink the carrier, the battleship was a simple opponent without any support, as it is just a big target. The girl with the javelin shot a torpedo at the battleship making it sink.

???: Phew...

???2: Finally...

The two went back to Zero-Effort and started towing him again, they just dragged him until they managed to reach the main base.

???: Where do we put her?

???2: I don't know, we could always put her into the interrogation room.

???: Now that I think about it, she has rather short hair.

???2: It's just probably her style, similar to Ark Royal-sama.

???: Perhaps... Lets bring her into the interrogation room, I mean it doesn't seem like she has any injuries after all.

???2: Luckily she wasn't hit during the fight.

The two then picked him up and go to the interrogation room to put him down on the chair, they then left to get someone that has a high ranking. The two found a woman who wore something similar to that of a prince's outfit, the woman was staring at Zero-Effort's ship wondering what is actually is.

???: Prince of Wales! We brought a ship-girl into the interrogation room.

Prince of Wales: Is the girl the owner of that ship.

???2: Yes your majesty.

Prince of Wales stared at the second girl awkwardly.

Prince of Wales: Lets go see who this mystery girl is.

???: Her name is Zero-Effort. It said it in the command centre.

Prince of Wales: I see.

The trio then proceeded to go where Zero-Effort is in, Zero Effort just woke up a few minutes ago, after a while the trio finally entered the room.

Zero-Effort: ?

Prince of Wales sat down on the chair.

Prince of Wales: Please sit down, Zero-Effort

Zero-Effort: Okay... How do you know my name, I don't remember meeting you in the past.

Prince of Wales was surprised at "her" voice.

Prince of Wales: Are you a boy or a girl, sorry for asking its just there are girls with short hair.

Zero-Effort: A boy, I think... Lemme check

Zero-Effort pulled his pant out a bit then he confirmed his gender.

Zero-Effort: Yep I'm a boy

Prince of Wales was kind of disgusted and confused as why would he just check his pants to check his gender, but she is mostly surprised about the fact that he is a boy, as there was never a ship-boy ever recorded, or at least from what she know.

Prince of Wales: Well, what are you?

Zero-Effort: A ship?

Prince of Wales: That's not what I meant, like are you a destroyer or a light cruiser?

Zero-Effort: A battleship, my creator always called me Zero-Effort battleship.

Prince of Wales: You are incredibly small for a battleship...

Zero-Effort: Well I'm a battleship either way.

Prince of Wales: You are small on both bodies?

Zero-Effort: Simply yes.

(Thoughts)PW: I should never let him near Ark Royal..

Zero-Effort: Ummm, Hello?

Prince of Wales: Oh sorry. What is your prefix?

Zero-Effort: HMS.

Prince of Wales: I don't remember us having a small battleship such as you but okay...

Somebody small suddenly busted into the room, she didn't need an introduction for anyone in the room, yep even Zero-Effort knew her. Zero-Effort stood up instantly and saluted.

Prince of Wales: Your majesty?!

Queen Elizabeth: I just wanted to see who arrived on the docks earlier, the small battleship thingy that is.

Prince of Wales: That would be... Him.

Prince of Wales pointed at Zero-Effort who was at a similar height to her, without any words she just took him like he was a lost toy that she missed long ago.

Zero-Effort: Heelllllppppp.

Prince of Wales: Bear with it, I can't go against her.

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