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I guess when it's blissful, time indeed passes very quickly. The week went by in a blink of an eye, and we found our way back at rehearsals on Monday. I had picked up JK on my way, and we were making our way into the studio when we heard 2 raised voices.

It sounded suspiciously like Jin and J Hope?

I was about to open the door when I heard J Hope's voice ring out.

"I don't like you that way, Jin. Never have and never will. You are just my colleague. Maybe we should stop hanging out for a bit."

Shit. I turned to JK, whose eyes were opened big. I opened the door, and Jin and J Hope turned around to see us. Instantly, Jin just smiled, running up to check on JK whilst J Hope just smiled and slinked away. We couldn't say that we had heard them shouting or else things would be awkward. I looked at Jin, who just smiled at me, but I knew better. His smile, though it played on his lips, was completely dead in his eyes.

JK and I didn't say a word. Soon, the other 3 boys bounded in, and we started rehearsals. We were all busy, and no one really noticed anything, but I could tell by how much Jin was affected. He made sure he didn't stay in J Hope's radar at all. Bless JK, but he hung around his hyung the whole day. I didn't care as I knew Jin needed someone too, and I knew JK wouldn't let go of his hyung, too.

Midway through rehearsals, Jin accidentally sprained his ankle whilst dancing. He went down, and we all heard that crack! J Hope went running over instantly and checked on him, nagging at him softly. Jin was in quite a lot of pain and was struggling to stand up. JK lifted him up, and we brought him to the doctor. He was put on bed rest for a week. Shit.

But after much discussion with the manager, we decided we would still continue. Jin would have to catch up once he was better. I offered to send Jin home, and the boys agreed. However, I watched J Hope watching him forlornly. Once I had sent Jin home, I called J Hope.

"I'm not going to lie. JK and I had heard the shouting match today. Look, I am not going to force a hand in the relationship, but I just need you to know you mean the world to him. Even if you don't return his feelings, it's fine. Go see him as a friend, at least. He deserves that much, J Hope."

J Hope was quiet for a bit before asking me how he was he. I mentioned he was in pain, but we will take turns checking on him. He agreed. However, for that week, no matter whenever J Hope went, he told me Jin just closed the door on him, refusing to let him see. I sighed. This Jin was another stubborn mule.

1 week later, when Jin came back, he was assigned solely dance practice to play catch up. JK was supposed to coach him, but I stepped in and changed it to J Hope. Jin had no idea and was prepping when J Hope went into the studio. Upon seeing him, all I heard Jin scream was,


I just laughed as I locked the door, insisting they practised properly. I was definitely going to get into trouble with Jin for this, but screw it. They had to stop running away from each other.

I came out, grinning like a Cheshire cat when I saw JK waiting for me at the lobby with his arms crossed.

"Hyung! What did you do?"

I just grinned as I wrapped my arms around him.

"And when are you going to learn to call me Joonie instead?"

JK blushed terribly, smacking me, but I laughed as I leaned in to kiss him softly on his cheeks, earning a small gasp.

But wait, it came from behind us. I pulled away from JK and turned around. Shit. Suga and Jimin were there with V, watching us with a cheesy grin. JK just kept quiet, shuffling to stand behind me, using me as cover. Traitor!

I looked at the boys who were grinning at us, and I sighed. I guess a truth was pending. I grabbed JK's hand and pulled him forward.

"Uh.. It's just that.. he..I just told him to call me Joonie.. I mean, it's ok, right?"

The boys nodded, and Suga just motioned for me to continue, smirking away.

"Uh. It's just.. I mean, why so much of formality.. right?"

"Right. Especially when he's the boyfriend? Right hyung?" I grimaced as Jimin teased me mercilessly.

The boys burst out laughing as I blushed outright. I turned to look at JK, who wasn't any better. I slung my arm around him, bringing him closer to me.

"You guys are ok with it?"

"Are you kidding me? There couldn't be a better one for you. And plus, as long as both of you are happy. You have always been there for us, RM. It's about time you let someone be there for you too."

I smiled at Suga, who just grinned at me.

"Where's J Hope and Jin, by the way?" V asked.

There was a bit of silence before Suga piped up.

"No idea, but I hope they are settling their own issues."

I looked at Suga, who just shrugged. Looks like this guy just knew what was going on with everyone! I assured the boys they be fine and that they were at dance practice.

With that, the 3 musketeers bundled off whilst I went home with my boyfriend.

Heh. Boyfriend. That had a nice ring to it as I watched JK, who had no clue on what was going on in my head and was busy walking along, hand in hand with me.

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