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I drove the car back to my apartment. I looked over and saw Joonie hyung sleeping away. He must be exhausted.

I smiled to myself as I turned into the alley and up into my street. I turned into the carpark, parked it, and then turned to wake hyung up.

"Hyung, hyung, we have arrived."

I watched as RM stirred and rubbed his face as he woke up. He looked at me sleepily. I grinned as I told him we were home. He nodded and climbed out of the car, but forgetting his bag so I grabbed it for him.

We went up to my apartment and I went to get a spare change of clothes for him. However, I came out to a sleeping RM on my couch. How exhausted was this guy?!

I shook my head as I went to grab a blanket and placed it over him gently. Knowing RM, he will wake up about an hour later, screaming murder over hunger. I decided to make a quick 1 pot meal for him.

I finished making the meal and put the pot on low heat as I went to get a quick shower. I came out to see RM wake up, sitting up, looking grumpy.

"Hungry, hyung?"

He nodded at me. I just laughed as I nodded and went to fix him a plate. I brought it over to him, and he just stared at it grumpily. Gosh, he was still half asleep. I sat down next to him and prodded him slightly. He looked at me and just glared. I almost laughed but held it in.

"Eat up, hyung. Staring at the plate wouldn't make the food disappear."

RM sighed, but he didn't make a move.

"I'm tired."

"And hungry."

"But more tired."

I groaned inwardly at RM. He was in one of his moods, the kind where he wants to eat but is lazy to do so because he's tired. But I knew if he didn't eat, he would be even grumpier later. I took the plate from him and forked the pasta for him. He wanted to lay back, and I flicked him on his biceps! He looked at me, stunned, and I pulled him closer to me.

I fed him, and he cleared the plate in no time. Once he was done, I pushed him to clean up and sleep in my room instead. He nodded, thanking me softly, and instantly crashed.

I got comfortable on my couch and ended up knocking out. I woke up around 7 am. to hear some noises in the kitchen. Just as I was about to get up, a loud clang got me jumping out of bed!

"What, what happened?!" I looked over and saw RM, looking at me mortified.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to make a pot of coffee and ended up dropping the kettle."

I groaned inwardly. I stood up and went over as RM picked up the kettle.

"Sorry, Kookie. I will replace it for you."

I waved away his apology, stressing that it was ok. He grinned sheepishly at me whilst I just shook my head at his clumsiness. I took over, offering to make the coffee and breakfast whilst I told him to get a shower. He nodded and scooted off.

RM may be the leader of us, but anyone who knew him well enough would come to realize that he was a complete child. He was clumsy, goofy, funny, and adorable, all rolled into one. He was definitely the most eloquent and put together among all of us, but that's because the rest of us were loose cannons who had to be controlled, and RM naturally took on that role.

But amongst us, behind closed doors and off cameras, RM just let loose. I finished up breakfast and got a shower. I came out to see RM waiting for me whilst watching TV.

"Have you eaten, hyung?"

"Waiting for you, JK."

I chastised him for waiting, and he just smiled, plating the food for us. Post a good night's sleep, RM was more put together and less babyish, so he had his breakfast quietly whilst we discussed our upcoming schedule.

Once done, RM took his leave. But before leaving, he turned around to look at me, ruffling my hair gently and thanking me for looking after him. I just smiled, and he nodded before going off.

I shook my head as I went in, only to realize RM had forgotten his stuff behind again. Ugh!

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