Supreme Defeated

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The Supreme refuses to be defeated after everything he had for his own personal gain, he already lost the holders because the antiheroes already defeated them and claimed their miraculous.

"It's time to return the miracle box and renounce your eternal life" Ladybug approached the box.

"Grandmaster, you would make a better guardian. The other guardians chose wrong over you. This time, the story should be rewritten for you as a correction" Ladybug suggested.

"I would but I believe someone else needs the title. As a reward for your redemption, you will be the new guardian" Su-han said.

"Me?" Ladybug exclaimed.

"Yes. But it's your choice, Marinette" Su-Han said.

"Well.....I wouldn't be guardian without my kitty" Ladybug said.

"She's right. The miracle box might need two" Paw Noir said.

"My kitty has more knowledge in sensing danger than I do," Ladybug said.

"And bugaboo has more knowledge in sensing who is worthy of the miraculous," Paw Noir said.

"Then it's settled, you two are the new guardians of the miraculous. You've proven yourself of redemption and selflessness" Su-Han said.

"Care to do the honors?" Paw Noir asked.

"Yes, Kitty" Ladybug placed her hand on the box.

Paw Noir does the same and the miracle box chooses its new guardians and takes away the Supreme's place. It even removed his immortality.

"You can't do this to me!" The Supreme protested.

"That's enough! You already lost your title and you never did for the greater good. You nearly almost killed underage holders without telling them!" Grandmaster Su Han glared.

"Because they are expandable," The Supreme said but Paw Noir held his hand in front of him.

"Sorry Supreme but your luck has run out," He said.

"And luck chose to side with us," Ladybug said.

Paw Noir then hesitated to cataclysm The Supreme, but knew he was too dangerous to live, "CATACLYSM!" He went for the head.

Due to the force of the cataclysm, the Supreme screamed as he withered into ashes. Paw Noir looked away to not go through another death like his father went through. But he knew he did the right thing by avenging him.

"It's finally over, Kitty," Ladybug said.

"Totally over and to get my grievance out of me," Paw Noir said, feeling all of it getting out.

Ladybug held him close, "Same. We have a lot to do for Paris, to become its heroes"

"Yes, we do," Paw Noir said.


A while later, both visited Gabriel and Emilie's graves. As much as Adrien could've visited their funeral but he had little family from both of their sides but he did have one with the Supreme, his cousin. Marinette has joined him after she and her parents made up for abandoning and mistreating her. Adrien laid his flowers for his parents to tell them how much he misses them and that he can live to move on and focus on his future and put the past behind him.

"You made them proud by defeating the Supreme," Marinette said.

"If only they could've seen how much I loved them," Adrien said.

"Yeah," Marinette held his hand.

"If only I wasn't so foolish of myself to believe my father moved on when it was me the whole time I didn't move on" Adrien sighs for being a dumb kid a long time ago.

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