Ready To Heal

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Neteyams sniffling calmed down quickly in Aonung embrace.

He was always astounded by the way just being with Aonung, calmed him down.

He loved the comfort the boy gave him, without even having to say anything.

"You know I've never told anyone exactly what they did to me, or about these. Not even my mother" Neteyam said pointing at his thighs

"And how do you feel after telling me?" Aonung asked causing

"Good, free, like I can finally heal from it" Neteyam said smiling through the stiff tears.

"That is so good teyam. I'm glad you felt safe enough to tell me" Aonung said holding the boys hands gently.

"Thank you Nung. And thank you for telling me about yours, I think that helped me feel it was ok to tell you" Neteyam said smiling, staring in the boys eyes

"You're welcome Teyam" Aonung said, moving to kiss Neteyams lips gently.

"You know I'm loving this right now, but we should probably get back" Neteyam said pulling away from the kiss "our parents will be worried about us" he added leaving a small kiss on Aonungs nose.

Who only blushed a bright pink.

"Yeah you're probably right" Aonung sighed, grabbing their Tsaheylu's and pulling them apart gently.

The two felt the other's emotions disappear, sighing loudly.

Aonung stood up and put out a hand for Neteyam to grab.

He took Aonungs hand, lifting him up.

"The poor grass" Aonung laughed looking around at the clearing.

Their naughty actions last night flattened the grass.

They both giggled.

Aonung bent down to grab their loincloths and the necklace, that they had tossed aside last night.

Neteyam couldn't help himself but smile at the boys butt.

"What are you smiling at?" Aonung smirked, standing back up and turning around to hand Neteyam his loincloth.

"Nothing" Neteyam blushed as he put his loincloth back on.

"Sure" Aonung said kissing the boys nose, only causing his blush to grow brighter.

"Turn around" he said, moving to wrap Neteyams necklace around his neck.

Neteyam held his hand to his neck, making sure not too much of his scar was showing.

"Thank you" he muttered

"Come on Love" Aonung said, taking the boys hand and walking towards the beach.

Neteyam took one step, and winced.

"Are you alright?" Aonung asked worriedly

"Yeah, I'm ok, just a little sore I guess" Neteyam said, moving his hand to his butt and rubbing it gently as they walked.

"Shit I'm sorry Teyam, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry" Aonung pleaded

"Nung, don't worry, I'm ok. It's worth it" Neteyam giggled placing a small peck on the boys cheek.

"Are you sure?" Aonung asked

"Of course I'm sure Nung" Neteyam replied smiling.

The boys made their way to the beach, hand in hand, walking in its warm water, and swimming slowly around.

They laughed and giggled, splashing each other with water.

Alone together, just how they liked it.

Or so they thought.

The boys were too distracted by each other, playing in the water, that they didn't notice the presence of Neytiri on the beach

She smiled widely from a distance, watching as her son laughed and swam around freely with Aonung.

She hadn't seen that side Neteyam in a long time, long before the war.

Happy for her son, that he could finally heal from all his trauma.

She knew it was because of Aonung. That boy had caused a change in Neteyam.

A good change.

And she loved seeing that change happen.

Her son looked free. Not haunted by his past.

Her fondness for Aonung grew even bigger than it already was.

She always considered Aonung like another son to her, but now she was certain.

She knew the boys were together. No two best friends acted like that around each other.

Her son was in love with Aonung, and Aonung was in love with her son.

A mother always knows.

With a small giggle and smile, she turned around walking away, like she didn't see anything.

Waiting for her son to open up to her first. When he was ready.

685 words
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Soul Tied [Neteyam x Aonung]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя