Spear To The Heart

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After two weeks all three Sullys were now pros riding ilus and holding their breath.

Their progress was unbelievably fast, but the Metkayina teens knew that back home, they had to learn quick or be killed.

The group of teens once again stood in the shallows of the ocean.

Aonung held 6 tall arrow looking weapons, which Neteyam knew were spears. Loak and Kiri looked confused at what they were and what they were doing with these weapons.

"After your insane progress at riding the ilu, you're ready to learn how to use our weapons" Aonung spoke, walking around handing everyone their own spear.

Loak traced his fingers over the tip of the spear, observing it delicately, before accidentally slicing a thin cut on the tips.

"Ow what the fuck" he yelled

Neteyam flinched at his side, at the sudden raise of tone in his brothers voice.

"Loak its sharp, of course its going to cut you" Tsireya spoke giggling slightly

"What even is it?" Loak asked washing his fingertips free of blood in the water.

"These are spears, our second form of long distant weapons, next to crossbows" Rotxo spoke

"You hold it up at your shoulder, aim for what you want to hit, and throw" Tsireya said demonstrating that very movement.

"You try, we"ll help" she said

The sullys all aimed their spear at a target just 10 feet from them.

The three Metkayinas went to their usual partners, observing their aiming technique.

Aonung got to Neteyam, moving to stand right beside his body, his face mere centimeters from Neteyams, his eyes following the aim line of the spear to the point on the target the boy wished to hit.

"Very good, now throw it" Aonung said moving aside.

Neteyam did just that, hitting the spot perfectly.

His siblings threw their spears too. Kiri hit just off the target, while Loak hit his about a meter off.

They practiced for a while, until all three hit their targets.

"Your ready" Rotxo said "follow us" he added, calling his ilu, and getting on it

The others called theirs too.

The Sully teens followed them to a wide spread garden of coral. Many fish and creatures swimming around it.

They got off their ilus, sending them away, as to not disturb the fish.

"Watch" Tsireya signed

She aimed her spear at a fish, before throwing it directly at its heart. Watching as the fish suddenly stopped moving, floating down towards the bottom of the ocean floor.

She followed it down, grabbing it. Signing something to the fish, before removing the tip of the spear from its body.

She returned to the group, the Sullys watching her every move.

"Try it Neteyam" She signed, he didn't understand her so he looked to Aonung, who signed it again in secret, to which Neteyam understood perfectly.

He creeped his way to a fish, holding up his spear, before throwing it at the heart. It's body floating down.

He caught it, signing "thank you for your sacrifice, you may now be with Eywa" to the fish, before pulling out the spear.

He knew what and how to sign this, as they had to say the same thing back home in the forest, after they killed an animal for eating purposes.

It showed respect to the animal for its sacrifice to them.

The day went by and the teens all learnt to hunt with a spear. Getting the idea of it straight away.

It took Loak awhile to actually hit one of the fish but he got it eventually. His siblings silently cheering him on from a distance.

Eclipse came near, the teens collected all the fish they had caught, separating them into three baskets. One for the Sullys, one for Aonung and Tsireya, and one for Rotxo and his family.

The group bid their goodbyes to each other heading back to their respected mauris.

Neteyam, loak and kiri returned home to be greeted by their father.

"Hey kids, what did you learn today?" He asked

"We learnt how to throw a spear dad, look at what we caught" kiri beamed holding up the basket of fish they had caught.

"Very good baby girl" Jake spoke to his daughter wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"How many did you catch Loak?" Jake asked his son

"I caught four dad, took a while but I did it" Loak spoke smiling

"That's amazing, I'm so proud. Neteyam?" Jake asked turning to his oldest.

"Ten sir" Neteyam responded

"That's great, learning fast I see" Jake said smiling at his son, who returned the smile.

"Well Neteyam, will you help your mother prepare dinner?" Jake asked

"Yes sir" he said taking the basket from kiri and meeting his mother in the kitchen.

The two cooked the family's dinner, plating it up, sitting down to eat.

The family finished their dinner, cleaning up, saying goodnight, before heading to bed.

"Teyam, can you tell me a story?" Tuk asked dragging her older brother to her bed.

"Of course Tuk" he replied laying down next to her, starting to whisper a story.

When the little girl had fallen asleep, Neteyam quietly got up. He still wasn't tired, but everyone was asleep.

Deciding to go for a walk, he made his way down to the beach.

He got to the same spot he wondered to every night.

Sitting down, resting his head against the tree trunk, closing his eyes.

"Well, well, well, funny to see you here" a voice spoke, Neteyam opened his eyes, immediately smiling.

924 words
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Soul Tied [Neteyam x Aonung]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum