Missing Curfew

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The boys made it back to the beach. Their fathers stood angrily in the sand.

"Shit" Neteyam muttered under his breath

"Fuck" Aonung said, his eyes widened in fear

Apparently when the two hadn't come home, their fathers met up to wait for them.

"NETEYAM" Jake boomed, Neteyam flinched at his raised voice. Jake gripped his shaken son's shoulder, nudging him to the chiefs mauri.

"Aonung" Tonowari scoffed pushing his own son to the mauri.

They were met face to face with Ronal. Neytiri stood off to the side.

"Mother" Aonung said startled

"Tsahik" Neteyam muttered, bowing his head, turning his head to his mother " mama" he added in shame looking to her.

The six of them entered the mauri, closing the flap.

"When we let you two hang out and go wherever, we expect you to be back before your curfew, not later" Ronal yelled turning around suddenly to face them.

Neteyam flinched even harder, being yelled at by a man was something, but by a woman, it was very different.

Their tones were usually soft and well spoken, but in a yell, it became deep and threatening.

"What happened?" Jake boomed, looking from his own son to Aonung

"We lost track of time sir, we were hunting under the water sir" Neteyam muttered, his head down, not daring to look his father in the eyes.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN YOUR TALKING" Jake screamed raising his fist in the air.

The scream caused Neteyams head to snap up in shock. Jumping from the fright, a small gasp was heard from his mouth.

Even Tonowari and Ronal were shocked to hear Jake scream like that at his son. He sounded so violent.

Aonung seen Neteyam flinch, worse than he had ever seen before. This boy was terrified of his own father.

"Sorry sir. We lost track of time, we were hunting under the water Sir" Neteyam repeated louder, his tears threatening to fall, looking directly in his father's eyes, not wanting to upset him further.

"Jake do not scream at him. It was an honest mistake, you can't see the eclipse through the water. Although neteyam you should know better" Neytiri said pushing her mate from their son, who stood there motionless.

"I'm sorry Neteyam, but you can't not respect your curfew like it's nothing. You had us all worried sick" Jake said, his voice decreasing from mad to worried.

Neteyam was still in shock, wide eyed.

"Sorry sir" Neteyam muttered.

"Aonung, you know better. You know that you can't see the eclipse when you're in the water. Next time come up more often to check" Tonowari said, placing a hand gently on his sons shoulders

"Sorry dad" Aonung said his ears turned down

"It's alright son. Just don't let it happen again" Tonowari said.

"Neteyam is more than welcome to stay the night, it'll give you some time to calm down" Ronal said kindly placing a hand on Neteyams shoulder

"If it's alright with you" Jake said, he did think it was a good idea.

"Of course it is, he's always welcome" Ronal replied.

"Very well, see you tomorrow" Jake said nodding his head to Neteyam.

"Goodnight mama" Neteyam replied

"Goodnight ma'teyam" Neytiri said, hugging her son. Before moving to push her mate out of the mauri back home.

They heard her screaming at Jake for yelling so violently at their son, as soon as they exited the mauri.

Once their voices were gone, Tonowari came up to Neteyam.

"Does your dad always get mad like that?" He asked

"Yeah, but it's not his fault. Normally it's mine, I mess up and he gets angry" Neteyam said brushing off his father's behavior, blaming his anger on himself.

"Your a child Neteyam, your going to make mistakes. You did worry us a lot, but that is no reason to scream at your child like that" Ronal said, placing a hand on the boys still shaken shoulder.

"I know, but it's better on me than on my siblings" Neteyam stated, his face void of emotions

"It shouldn't have to be" Ronal said, moving to hug the boy.

Aonjng watched his "best friend" and mother hug, smiling softly at the sight.

The boys bid their goodnights and headed to bed. A mat layed on the floor for Neteyam, beside Aonungs bed, as he was there all the time.

It was silent after they said goodnight, as they both slowly fell asleep.

Aonungs mind wondered to the thought, that maybe Jake was the reason Neteyam flinched at yelling and loud noises.

Neteyams on the other hand, silently cried himself to sleep. He hated it when his father yelled.

It reminded him of the base, something he was trying so hard to forget.

790 words
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