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"What do you miss from home? other than your grandma" Aonung asked

"Many things I guess, my nightly walks through the forest, although I never actually walked, I always climbed. Umm, seeing my siblings interact with their friends, protecting them from a distance you know. Ooo archery, I've always loved archery. I was the best in my clan, even with the adults, you know" Neteyam smiled, reflecting on his happy moments.

"I do know, I have heard many great things about you" Aonung said.

"Oh really what have you heard?" Neteyam asked, curiosity spreading over his face and thoughts.

"You are 'The Last Shadow' after all, everyone knows of you and your fight stories" Aonung said

"And what do you think of them?" Neteyam asked, cringing over the boy knowing him.

"I think they're great, your very strong, very resilient" Aonung stated he paused "I admire that" he added, almost fan boying over Neteyam.

"Thank you, but theres more to my story than the tales say" Neteyam said

"I bet there is and I can't wait to hear about it. What was your absolute favourite thing to do in the forest?" Aonung asked, changing the subject

"Being able to fly my Ikran in the Halleluja mountains, alone in my thoughts" Neteyam said breaking the eye contact and looking up into the sky, wishing he was back there, flying his ikran in the most beautiful place he'd ever seen.

"Peace and quiet" Aonung said quietly smiling, knowing his own way of peace and quiet was in the water.

A place where the pulling feeling was at ease.

He wondered if Neteyams flying did the same.

"It was the only way to get rid of the feeling" Neteyam whispered, just loud enough for Aonung to hear it

This settled it for Aonung, he finally understood.

Neteyam felt the same pulling feeling as he did.

Silence grew, as the two were looking out into the ocean.

"Can I say something?" Aonung asked breaking the silence.

"Go for it" Neteyam replied, locking eye contact again, his non existent eyebrows furrowed, wondering what was on the boys mind.

"Something about you is different. The moment we looked at each other, I couldn't let go, my eyes physically wouldn't move. I felt something leave, something I've had my whole life, and now I know you felt it too" Aonung spoke softly, looking into Neteyams eyes.

"The pulling feeling" Neteyam said

"The pulling feeling" Aonung repeated

"It vanished, the moment I saw you" Neteyam said, his non existent eyebrows now raising.

"It did for me too. But what does it mean? What is Eywa trying to tell us?" Aonung asked

"I don't know" Neteyam replied shaking his head slightly.

"I feel something when I look at you. Like I can finally relax, the world just stops around us. I feel like I know everything about you" Aonung said, his eyes still not leaving Neteyams.

"I feel it too. I can understand your sign language, but somehow not Tsireyas. I knew how to ride an ilu, even though I've never even seen one before. It's like we're connected" Neteyam said

"Connected by something. The pulling feeling, it was Eywa bringing us together" Aonung said slowly, piecing it together.

Neteyam nodded his head slowly.

"But what for" he said

"I guess we'll have to find out" Aonung said

They both smiled at each other, relaxing in the depths of the other's eyes.

573 words
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