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"Keep her away from Bella

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"Keep her away from Bella."

The family (Edward and Alice) had been arguing that Carina was not a good person and needed to be kept away from Bella. Enzo could not understand why he had to stay away from his mate because Bella was acting like a child and blamed Carina for her father getting the job her father was incapable of doing. It wasn't his fault his mate saw through Bella's facade and wouldn't deal with her shit. The family had been divided on what to do. Alice, Edward and Carlisle thought he should stay away from Carina as they thought she could hurt Bella and didn't belong in the family. The rest were happy for him but wouldn't intervene as it was his mate and what happened was his choice.

Enzo rolled his eyes, "We've all watched the video, clearly she wants nothing to do with Bella. Keep your girlfriend away from my mate and we won't have a problem. Bella is a brat and people are finally seeing her for who she is, I just don't understand why you lot can't. Hell, she isn't even your mate." The whole family had seen the video of Bella confronting Carina. Rosalie and Emmett had laughed their asses off as they watched Bella being put in her place, Jasper couldn't help the grin either and Enzo had loudly cheered her on. Esme had tried to keep them quiet but you could clearly see the smile on her face she was trying to hide. The rest had not been happy to know that everyone was turning their backs on Bella, after clearly seeing her true colours.

"Bella isn't a brat. I love her. She is my mate." Edward spat as Carlisle tried to hold him back. The Golden Boy had always gotten what he wanted, even if it hurt the majority of the family and Carlisle didn't care. To him, Edward was his first child and he needed the most attention.

Jasper scoffed, "No she isn't. We've been telling you for months that she's just your blood singer but for some reason, you have to act like a child and get what you want. She doesn't belong in our world, the sooner you realise that, the better for everyone in this family." They had been telling him the same thing over and over again but for some reason he won't see that Bella isn't his mate.

"Yes, she is. How can you say that, Jazz?" Alice spoke sadly as she looked at Jasper. It had taken a while but he had finally understood that she wasn't his mate and just wanted someone she could boss around, he was just glad that he didn't actually marry her or stay in the same room.

"Keep your bitch away from my mate."

"Talk about her like that ever again, she's not the only one you have to worry about."

When Carina had gotten to school the following day, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her and keeping their eyes on her

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When Carina had gotten to school the following day, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her and keeping their eyes on her. She had been glad that she was able to slip out in the morning without her parents mentioning her soulmate, she knew it was coming but she knew they'd want the conversation when they could all sit down and talk about it which wouldn't be until the weekend.

"Carina! Over here!"

Carina followed the voice that was yelling for her to find Jessica and Angela standing by her locker. She had met the two girls in her classes yesterday, welcoming her. Jessica had given her the run down on Bella and the Cullen's, advising her to stay away from them after she had been the influence that they had on Bella and how she started treating other people after meeting Edward. Angela had been indifferent to the situation, not really liking Bella anyway, especially since she just dumped them for the Cullen's and took them right back even after they left her. Carina was grateful that the two girls had welcomed her to the school so warmly.

"Why do you two look worried?" Carina asked confused. The closer she got to them she could see the frowns on their faces. Something had clearly happened to upset them both.

"Have you talked to any of the Cullen's?" Jessica asked.

Carina shook her head, "No, why?"

"They've been asking about you, well Alice and Edward have been asking about you. Apparently they're not happy about what happened with your 'conversation' with Bella. I don't know what they're going to say to you but they didn't look happy. Just stay away from them." Jessica spoke. To her Carina seemed like an amazing girl that was turning out to be a great friend and she didn't want to lose her just because Bella had to blame someone for what she had done and couldn't face the consequences.

Carina rolled her eyes, why did trouble always seem to find her? She sighed as she looked at the girls, "Look, I don't care about Bella or the Cullen's and what they want. I'm going to stay away from them and hopefully they stay away from me. I'm not here looking for trouble nor do I want to be involved in whatever they think should be coming my way. I don't know them and they don't know me so I'm going to stay away from them."

Angela smiled softly at her new friend, "Good. They don't deserve to be anywhere near you, especially if they're going to be around Bella. They hurt her and she took them back like it was nothing. I can't believe she was once our friend." Angela couldn't believe how easy it was for the Cullen's to brainwash her and take them back as soon as they came back, causing her to drop them all together.

"Thank you both for the warning. I'm glad I met you both, you're such good friends." Carina grinned. She could not understand how Bella could ever turn her back on either of them.

"We're glad we met you too."

"Now can you tell us about your hot dad?"

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