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Carina had spend the morning unpacking the house with her mother as her father got himself situated at the Station

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Carina had spend the morning unpacking the house with her mother as her father got himself situated at the Station. Everything had gone pretty smoothly and they were done fairly quickly with both their powers combined, as much as she loved her dad she knew he would only slow them down so she was glad he wasn't there. The house had been fairly modern with 3 bedrooms upstairs and a pretty big office and library that she had pretty much take over. Of course, there was also the attic where they kept all their potions and a copy of the Book of Shadows. The book had reminded her of what she was leaving behind and it hurt to know she wouldn't be seeing her aunts, nephew and uncle for a while.

"You finished up here?" Her mother asked as she walked into the attic.

Carina sighed as she looked at her mother, "I miss them. I know why we had to leave but it's not the same without any of them. Who am I going to fight over the last bit of coffee with? Who am I going to fight over which spell or potion to use? Who am I going to fight with over what to make for dinner? I miss them, mum."

Prue looked at her daughter with a sad smile before walking over to her and hugging her, "I know. I miss them too but your dad has made sacrifices for this family since before you were born, now it's time for us to sacrifice a little. I know it'll be an adjustment but we can be happy here. Besides, Paige, Leo and Wyatt can orb so they can come visit whenever they want and we going to see them for Christmas. I know it sucks, starting school just before the Christmas break but your dad needed to start his job asap. I'm always going to be here for you. This will be good for us. You only have half a year left, then you can do whatever you want." The last thing she wanted was to upset her daughter but Andy had worked hard to become a Chief and as a family, they were together no matter what.

Carina pouted, "I know. This is important to dad and he deserves it. I just miss our family, even though I know I can see them whenever I want. You're right, this will be good for us but did I seriously have to start just before the Christmas break? Couldn't I have started after the New Year?"

Prue laughed, "I know, trust me I know. It sucks but it is what it is. How about we make lunch and bring some to your dad? I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything yet and you know he never eats breakfast?"

"You know, for a man that loves eating I don't understand why he never eats breakfast?"

"Your father is a man of many mysteries and sometimes, I don't know why I married him."

Carina had decided she wanted to take a stroll in the woods

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Carina had decided she wanted to take a stroll in the woods. Nature had always been her forte. Nature spoke to her, protected her whenever she needed it and the creatures that lived there loved her. When she didn't spend time in nature, she would begin to have withdrawal symptoms where she would feel unwell for days and she hated it. It was harder being in nature while she lived in San Francisco but she hoped with the move to Forks, she would feel better and be better in tune with nature.

She hadn't been walking for long when she had realised someone was following her. She could feel the ever presence of nature protecting her but she didn't feel like she was in danger. Whomever was following her, didn't want to hurt but she didn't know their motives so she continued to stay vigilant.

"You know, it's rude to sneak up on a lady."

"My apologies ma'am." A voice spoke from behind her. Carina turned around and when she saw him, she froze. He was a handsome man, stranger but handsome nonetheless. For some reason, she wasn't scarred of him, instead she felt drawn to him.



The wind whispered to her. She didn't know how to react to the news of finally meeting her soulmate. To someone like her, a mate was everything. Some went their whole lives without meeting their soulmates so she couldn't have been more grateful to finally meet her own. The fact he was a vampire was only a small hitch in finding her happiness because lord knows how her parents would react to the news of her finding her soulmate, let alone him being a vampire.

"Who are you? What are you doing out here?" Carina softly asked as she took a step closer to him.

The stranger shook his head as if trying to rid himself of the trance she had placed him in, "I'm Enzo. Enzo Cullen, darling." He couldn't believe after all this time he had finally found his mate. His happily ever after. And she was gorgeous. A goddess walking the earth. He couldn't believe he had been blessed with someone so beautiful. He would do anything to protect her, especially those that wanted to harm her.

Carina smiled as she could feel the blush on her cheeks, "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you out here?" She didn't want their meeting to be over just yet but she needed to know he was safe, she needed to know she could trust him, even if he was her soulmate.

Enzo smirked, "Just taking a walk, darling."

Carina scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, "And why don't I believe that?"

"You can believe whatever you want to believe, love, but I saw a beautiful woman out in the scary woods all by herself, what was I supposed to do? Leave her? My mother raised me to be a gentleman, I couldn't just leave you here by yourself, now could I?"

"Who's to say I can't protect myself?"

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