2 | school

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Carina had woken up early that morning to make breakfast for her parents and get everything ready for her first day of school

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Carina had woken up early that morning to make breakfast for her parents and get everything ready for her first day of school. She only had to get through a few weeks of school before they would be returning to San Francisco for Christmas with the rest of the family and she couldn't wait. No matter what she was feeling about the move at first had mostly disappeared after she had spend the evening in the woods and met her soulmate, only she had no idea how to tell her parents and the rest of her family that she had met him.

"You're up early."

Carina smiled sheepishly at her mother as she finished her sip of coffee, "I just wanted to get a good start to the morning. Not really looking forward to starting a new school in my senior year but I wanted to at least have a good morning with you and dad. I also kinda wanted to apologise for how I have been acting since dad gave us the news, I haven't exactly been the most supportive." The last thing she wanted was to upset her parents, they had sacrificed enough for her and their family.

Andy sighed with a soft smile as he walked closer to his daughter, "I'm sorry it came to this but you know why I did it. It's a good job and from the first shift I had yesterday, I'm making a difference. If you're really upset, I'm sure we can work out something and you can stay with your aunts." The last thing he wanted was for his daughter to be unhappy, no job was worth his daughter hating him.

Carina shook her head as she stood up to hug her father, "I'm not upset anymore. I'll admit I was not happy about moving away from San Francisco but this is important to you and its been less than a week since we've been here so I can't really say its the worst thing that's happened to me. I promise I'll give it some time. I'm sorry if I made you upset."

"I'm not upset princess, I just forget that sometimes as parents we have to sacrifice but we're human too and are allowed to have dreams. I know it'll take a while to adjust to but I'm here and I love you." Andy replied as he pressed a kiss to her head.

"Well isn't this a sweet sight." Prue spoke as she walked into the kitchen. The father and daughter broke apart as she walked into the kitchen laughing.

Carina rolled her eyes, "I made breakfast, I'm going to go before I'm late." She grabbed her bag and jacket before she pressed a kiss to her parents heads before Prue passed her some money as she knew neither her nor Andy would be home for dinner.

"We'll both be late tonight so grab something to eat and I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow. Call us after school, we want to know how your first day of school goes."

Carina smiled as she rushed out of the house but not before shouting, "By the way, I met my soulmate."

Carina's parents had been blowing up her phone since she told them the news, well more like shouting it before she left the house

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Carina's parents had been blowing up her phone since she told them the news, well more like shouting it before she left the house. She knew she wasn't ready to face the fact she had a soulmate nor was she ready for her parents to know but this way, they were able to process the news before they supported her with it. She had gotten her schedule for the day and was glad to know she had mostly AP classes and had more study time so that she could study in the library for her college classes. She was planning on getting her teaching degree as soon as she could and her parents and aunt Paige were a great help.


Carina turned around to find a girl walking towards her, she had no idea who she was but she did not look happy and her anger was clearly aimed at Carina. The young witch had no idea what was happening or why the brunette was angry at her.

"What did I do?"

"Your father took my father job!" She screamed. That's when Carina connected the dots. This was Isabella Swan, she was the daughter of the previous Chief, the man that had lost his job because he was covering up what she was doing and letting her get away with it. A crowd was starting to gather as people looked between the two women as Bella got in her face.

Carina took a step back, putting her hands up so that there was space between her and Isabella, "My father did not take your father job. He lost it because he was too busy cleaning up your messes and letting you get away with whatever. I don't know you but you sure as hell don't know me. I'm not going to be bossed around by a brat that thinks the world revolves around her and can get away with anything. My parents taught me to never use force but I can defend myself. Stay away from me." Honestly, what was wrong with this girl? Her dad deserved his job and had worked hard to get to when he was but not everyone could be like her father.

Bella glared at her, "I have done nothing wrong. Your dad took Charlie's job. Give it back."


"What! What do you mean no?!" Isabella screamed.

Carina rolled her eyes as she realised people were filming the scene, "I have no say in my father's job. He got the job because he's good, he's fair, something your father was not. You don't get to boss me around because you don't like how things are. I don't owe you anything. Grow up and leave me alone."

"You have no idea who you are messing with."

"Neither do you but I guess you're going to find out soon."

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