Chapter 10

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It took three days for Yamato and Sai to catch up to Kakashi and everyone else.

Yamato briefed them on what the contents in the letter Lady Tsunade received and where Sakura was located. He mentioned she was being kept against her will and that sasuke has impregnated her.

Before he could finish speaking kakashi fell to the ground holding his chest and breathing heavy.

Yamato ran to him and tried to get him to calm down.

"Guys he's having a panic attack"

Naruto ran to his Sensei and grabbed him up from Yamato and held him tight.

"Sensei it's going to be okay. We're going to find Sakura. We now have a location and we're going to get her out of there. And as for Sasuke the bastards gonna pay for what he's done. And listen Kakashi. I know you're in love with Sakura. There's no beating around the bush. And I want to let you know that I'm all for it. We're gonna get her back and bring her home with us. I promise.. But you gotta pull together okay. The longer we stall the longer she's suffering."

Kakashi felt sick.. His worst fears.. He knew Sasuke probably did horrible things to Sakura but he prayed it would end up not being true.

It was comforting having Naruto hold him but he felt weak. It's been so long since anyone comforted him like this. He felt like that small child that walked in the house to find his father laying there dead.

He loved Sakura and he knew that now. And the pregnancy. Well he would help her figure it out.

Kakashi sat up from Naruto's arms and gave him a hug.

I'm sorry guys..

He felt embarrassed having a panic attack in front of a group of people.

Hinata bowed her head.

It's okay.. We all had a feeling there was more to the story on you and Sakura. And Naruto told me he believed you might've been in love with her.

Kakashi looked to the ground.

Yes. It's true. Although I never got to confess to her. I have been in love with her for a while.

Well we will get her home and you can confess! Beleive it! Naruto beamed.

Let's go guys and let's go quick! They are about two days away. We definitely can make it in one!

Everyone took off with a little more speed than usual. They knew where she was now and they'd all be damned if they didn't make it in time to stop anything worse happening to her.

Hinata felt tears stream down her face. Sakura was pregnant and he was doing things to her that were against her will. How awful.. she loved sakura dearly. She eyed naruto who was running right next to her and he too had a stream of tears running down his face.

"Naruto.. are you okay?" Hinata asked.

Naruto looked over to her. And turned his head back forward to watch where he was going.

"Not really.. I let my best friend down.. she's been taken by my other best friend and now I feel sick.. I never thought sasuke would do something like this.. and I just feel horrible.. I shouldn't of pushed for them to get back together. This isn't how I wanted it to happen. Im going to fucking kill sasuke. I swear by everything I love he's a dead man."

Hinata nodded in agreement Sasuke would definitely pay for this. Even if she had to see to it herself.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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