'You won't be a Hawk!'

'And you aren't under 5 foot...' I dodge the cushion he throws, continuing 'A confident, talented Hawk with a com...pre... hen... sive? Is that right? That looks right... knowledge of the job.'

'Can you at least type quietly?' I shut up, continuing to type until my next attempt is complete.

'Can you... spell check?'

Bdubs glares, but concedes, accepting the document to his screen and editing for me. I thank him, returning focus to the news as the newsreader mentions the Fledglings - the beginner Hawks - will be performing at the New Vision Day celebrations and Elex, the leader of the Hawks, a doing an interview. I start recording to review later. Bdubs rolls his eyes, handing back my application.

'I removed the bit about all the Hawkeye merchandise. Other than that, not much.'

'Thank you!' I send the application, and focus on the news again.

'...advice for wannabe Hawks?' I gasp, shifting closer to the screen ready to memorise whatever Elex says.

'Remember our motto and stick to it. Honour...'

'...Allegiance, Work, Knowledge and Strength!' I quote, breathless. 'That's what Officer Cub says in Hawkeye 3! I put that in my application!'

'It's just the Hawks' motto... The easiest thing this jerk could say...'

'Jerk?!' I turn on Bdubs 'This guy's a HERO! He saves lives!'

'He's secretive and overly patriotic. And you know about the incidents.'

'Elex said multiple times that Southern Tower was just a rumour The Listeners spread!'

'If they're even real...'

'Of course they're real! They blew up that tower and...'

'Impulse lived there, Scar!'

'Impulse spends more time at Skizz's anyway. Besides, the Hawks didn't... Where are you going?' Bdubs stands, crossing the room.

'To make dinner.'

'Oh! That reminds me, I made cookies earlier.'

'Cookies?' He pauses. 'Where'd you get ingredients?'

'The Blindfold.' I switch the channel back to my film. Unfortunately Bdubs starts complaining before I rewind back to the start of the fight to watch it all properly.'

'Scar! You know that black market is dangerous!'

'Mom shops there.'

'Cleo can actually defend herself.'

'I can defend myself!'

Bdubs doesn't reply, starting to cook something from whatever the boring Watcher-run shops sell. I rewatch the fight, murmuring the lines and preempted actions to myself.

'You know she'll kill you,' Bdubs says.

'Who?' I pause the film again.

'Cleo. Especially considering she's the only reason you're alive.'

'No she's not!' Memories of being cornered on the streets return. Cleo, stealing their knife and threatening them until they left me alone. By the time they'd healed my new scars, I'd become part of the family. 

'And what about Watcher raids... You heard about the explosive shop just now on the news...'

'I know, I know...' I reply, more focused on Hawk leader Xisuma (he was replaced by his brother Elex 2 months after the film) giving a pep talk. 'But I'm not in trouble yet...'

'You need to look after yourself, Scar.' Bdubs says. I look over to see him sat next to me. 'If not for yourself, for me and Cleo. Promise, ok?' I nod back, looking him in the eyes.

'I promise.'

'Now.' Bdubs turns to the paused film. 'I will let you keep your illegal film playing IF you agree to be silent watching it, ok?'

'Fine. Thank you.'

He hands me my dinner and we finish watching Hawkeye 3 (I cry at the ending), at which point I start constantly refreshing my screen for replies from the Hawks.

And for the first time in 154 applications, I get one.

'Oh my gosh...' I mutter. 'I- I- Bdubs, Bdubs they REPLIED!'

'You're... really?! What did they say?'  I expand the tab, reading aloud as fast as I can.

'Dear Scar Goodtimes,

I've just seen your attempts to get into the Hawks and I'm impressed. As Ex-leader of the Hawks, I know you're just the kind of person we need.

I've sent documents below to fill in and bring to your first-' I pause, trying not to cry. Pride shines across Bdubs's face. 'Your first day as a Hawk in a couple days time and the academy in D6.

You're in.'

I look forward to seeing you fly.

Yours sincerely,



The Secret to Flying - An MCYT Cyberpunk/Dystopian AUWhere stories live. Discover now