The 'Four' Musketeers

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The next day, Ailly felt a strange anxiety grip her as she made her way to the Academy. It was the kind of anxiety one feels when end-of-year grades are about to be revealed, even though one knows they've done everything to pass. The anticipation of the outcome can induce nausea. Currently, she felt the same anxiety she had felt when she first stepped through the grand doors of the Academy.

This time, her anxiety was linked to the fear of encountering Matt by chance. Whereas once his mere existence hardly affected her, she ignored him with indifference. Now, all she fervently wished for was that what happened the previous day was just a nightmare, that she never had that conversation with Matt. Or, worst-case scenario, she would have hoped that upon waking up, he had bumped his head and forgotten everything, including Ailly's existence.

It was unproductive to get lost in such thoughts so early in the morning, she was aware, but the situation overwhelmed her a bit. She needed to pull herself together; maybe it would pass. Perhaps Matt was simply trying to torment her, and it would eventually blow over. At least, that's what she hoped.

"Oh! Sorry," Jennie apologized after accidentally bumping into a girl who was changing. The girl looked at her without saying anything. Jennie gave her an apologetic smile before heading to her locker, which was next to Ailly's. Meanwhile, Ailly busied herself tying her shoes. 

Today, they had physical education class, on a Tuesday morning. It was the only subject that didn't change each month, probably because Mr. Ray, the only physical education teacher in the academy, was too lazy to modify his schedule. At least, that was the impression Ailly had. She found it strange that Ray was the only teacher in this subject and had the power to decide the class schedules. Thus, he had chosen Tuesday mornings for third-year students.

"Where were you again, Jennie?" Ailly asked, closing her locker and looking at her best friend. Jennie was quickly getting dressed as she responded. She put on a white T-shirt with "Emerald Academy" written in emerald green on the back, then adjusted the matching shorts.

"Nowhere, I just forgot we had physical education class today," she said, as if it were possible to forget the only class that never changed its day. She tied her long hair into a ponytail, while Ailly opted for a quick bun.

"Really?" Ailly knew Jennie hated sports, but to pass her year, she had to participate in this subject, which she would have preferred to avoid in favor of other classes.

"What?" Jennie smiled, already dressed. Ailly noticed something.

"Have you grown?" Ailly observed Jennie from head to toe.

"Huh, what? What are you talking about?" Jennie didn't know how to take this remark or compliment.

"Oh, what I mean is, it looks like your shorts have shrunk by 10 cm..." Ailly examined Jennie again. Jennie simply smiled at her, finally understanding.

"Jennie..." Ailly frowned.

"What? Let's go, or Ray will complain again..." she said, pulling Ailly towards the gym where the students were heading. She added with a wink, "I just shortened the hem a bit, that's all." For Ailly, Jennie was beyond help.

"All right, kids, after careful consideration on my part, today, we're just going to run, and maybe, if I change my mind, we'll have a little basketball match," exclaimed Mr. Ray, looking at the students, holding his folder in his hands. 

Ailly was sure there was nothing written on those papers. In addition to being the only physical education teacher, Ray was also the youngest of the teachers in the academy, in his thirties. It was said that he always won sports competitions, and he was a former student of the Academy. After graduating, he had been recommended to study at a university specializing in sports. 

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