This is her now
"Y-yeah it totally does , I like it " he says without thinking

"Well here is your tea " she says putting it down

"Thanks , " he says and then takes a sip
He's not a tea fan but he was going to drink it

"You don't like it do you" she asks

"What no I do , I do ,I just don't usually drink tea you know " he rambles

"Relax pretty boy , I'm just teasing you " she says smirking

"So where have you been these months " he asks

"It's cute that you worry about me but that is classified " she says

"Oh a mission then " he says

"Something like that " she says taking a sip

Then a noise is heard and the door to where they are opens
A man comes in only with his sleeping rob who is almost of his shoulders which looked like it is done in purpose

"What is this noise ?" He asks And then looks at shikadai who is looking back at him in shock

"Who are you?" The man asks

"Shikadai , who are you?" Shikadai asks him

"I'm Leo, prince of wisteria , may I know what you're doing with my women " he asks

"I'm Leo, prince of wisteria , may I know what you're doing with my women " he asks

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"Y-your woman" shikadai says now on his feets

"Funny thing to say Leo , this one is my boyfriend" she says

"What , your boyfriend is a kid " he asks

"Y-your boyfriend " shikadai says

"Well not yet , but I'm promised to him , in the foreseen future,  when he's older , right shikadai?" She says going to his side and grabing his arm

" y-yeah,  that's right " shikadai says

"Oh come on , why don't you just come with me and be my concubine " he says while maeve goes to take her seat and brings her cup to her mouth

"I already told you , I'm not leaving my village " she says sipping her tea

"So this is why I haven't seen you for three months ?" Shikadai asks

"Well yes , it is , I've been dealing with this guy for three months , crazy right?"

"And she still hasn't fallen in love with me , most women who meet me , immediately fall in love with me but this one , this one is good " he says

Then another voice is heard and this one is of a kid
"What is going on here ?" She asks

Then another voice is heard and this one is of a kid "What is going on here ?" She asks

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"Oh not much , they're just fighting over stupid things " Maeve says

"Whose that kid ?" The prince says

"That kid is my little sister , Juina" Maeve says

"You have a little sister?" Shikadai says on her ear

"Uhmm , did they wake you up ?" Maeve asks her

"Yeah they were too loud "  Juina says and goes to Maeve to get picked up

"I'm really sorry for waking you up Hannah truly " shikadai says

"Oh no it wasn't your voice who woke me up , it was him " she says pointing at the prince who anime drops

"Well it is night time , you go to your room and you go to your , it's time to sleep" Maeve says and they both leave

"So...." shikadai starts

"I'll be finished witht he mission tomorrow,  I'll see you around then " she says

"Yeah I'll get going , thanks for the tea " shikadai says and turns to leave

"Shikadai " she starts

"Yeah" he says turning to her

"Thank you , for backing me up" she says

"You're welcome , although it doesn't sound bad at all , maybe when the time comes , what you said will really happen " he says referring to the part where she said that she is promised to him

"I'll look forward to that " she says and shikadai has his eyes wide open

"You mean..." he starts

"I can tell you have feelings for me shikadai , it's not very hidden so I'm saying that I'll wait , till you get older "
She says

After she shows shikadai out she closes the door and leans her head on it not knowing shikadai is leaning his head on it as well

Same love-Different times SHIKADAI NARAWhere stories live. Discover now