This is interesting

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Third pov:
It had been two days since Maeve had come out of the hospital and the hokage called her

"You will participate in the graduation exams with shino senseis class " naruto says

"Why do I always get stuck with them huh?" She asks

"Well it's not intentional trust me , I know how well you can take care of boruto and the others " naruto says
Maeve doesn't answer tho

"Anything on your mind ?" He asks

"Can I refuse , please "


All the students were gathered around the teachers and lord sixth

"Well this is interesting " she says coming forward with a bullseyes on her front

"So you're a part of this too huh?" Kakashi asks

"Unfortunately " she says and looks at the students , her eyes meeting shikadais but he quickly looks away from her

"Hey uhh... " konohamaru says coming near her

"Whats up" she asks

"I was wandering If you'd come with me at ichiraku later " he asks her

"Sure , I don't see why not " she says looking up at him and he blushes

"Really " he says

" uhmm , I'll be there by 8 pm " she says and then dissappears on the forest

"Well let the exam begin " he says and all of the jonins leave in the forest

After 12 hours Maeve is just sitting on a tree looking down waiting for someone to come there
Till now She knows that konohomaru , anko and shino are out so that leaves her and lord kakashi

Suddenly she feels someone coming her way and it's non other than

"Hey pretty boy , I didn't expect you to come here first " she says looking down at him

"I didn't either " he says and pulls out a kunai

"Aww you think you can take me on your own now don't you " she says

"We'll have to figure it out then don't we " he says and then runs at her

He tries to hit the bullseyes but she keeps dodging him and not attacking back

"Well .... was that it " she teases him

"No , it was not " he says and then uses his shadow to capture her which he does

"This was fun but I have to deal with you first then the hokage " he says and hits her bullseye eliminating her

"Oh well it's not like I came here by my will " she says and walks away but shikadai hadn't pulled his shadow off her so she just walked of not disturbed by it

"H-how ?"

"Well , go deal with the hokage ,pretty boy  , I have work to do " she says and leave

In the end she knows that they passed as she saw the teams sensei talk to eachother

"You sure you don't want to take team 10 on your care "  naruto says

" No not at all  , I'm not cut out to be a sensei anyway " she says

"Is it because of shikamarus son , boruto told me you have gotten a liking to him " naruto says looking up at shikamaru

"W-what , no I don't, that's the stupidest thing he has ever said " she tries to but

"You know it's OK if you like my son right , you two have the same age difference me and temari do , and that's OK with us " shikamaru says

"Ok I have to go now byeeeeee" she says and leaves

"She's quite handful isn't she " naruto says

"Well shikadais the one whose going to take care with handling her so... "

Same love-Different times SHIKADAI NARAWhere stories live. Discover now