Yandere N x Reader Heated Smut

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Requested by:jessiemac99

Author Note: If you don't like heated smut or any type of smut don't read this please just ignore it and wait till I update this book or read another book I made please and thank you

{N has been watching you for a while now and he's been obsessed he wants you to himself every time he sees you make a friend they'll go missing the next day he sees someone crush on you he'll kill them no one can have you but him and him alone}

🐕N🐕: Don't worry Y/N you'll be mine one day....

{Later that day you were hanging out with your best friend Uzi after class N knew Uzi pretty well he threatened her not go get romantic with you or to tell you what he did}

🔫Uzi🔫: Hey Y/N, wanna hang with N?

You: Sure let's go

{You both let the colony to meet with N he saw you coming and got excited seeing you he ran up to you hugging and spinning you around in his arms}

🐕N🐕: Hello my love it's so good to see you again!

You: Love?

🐕N🐕: Oh sorry didn't mean to call you that Y/N

You: it's fine N it's kinda sweet

{N smiled as he loved to watch you smile it made him feel good inside few hours have passed N loved spending every minute with you he tried to hold your hand each time but you'll move away it made him a bit mad and sad he then saw you talking to V he got angry he had to get rid of her}

🐕N🐕: V?

🗡️V🗡️: What is it N?

🐕N🐕: I need to talk to you about something private

🗡️V🗡️: Alright

{N took V somewhere private where you and Uzi wouldn't hear or see anything V was confused on why N was acting different when he was usually happy and friendly to everyone and always loved to talk}

🗡️V🗡️: So what do you wanna talk about?

🐕N🐕: I need you to do me a favor....

🗡️V🗡️: What is it?

🐕N🐕: I need you to stay away from my Y/N they are mine! you hear me?!

🗡️V🗡️: You are so freaking weird N!

🐕N🐕: Say I'm weird again and watch what I'll do....

🗡️V🗡️: You're weir-

{V was stabbed through the chest as V began to cough up oil as she looked up at N in horror shocked that he'll do something like this N threw V stabbing her multiple times as she screamed few minutes later V died N looked at her as he was covered in her oil}

🐕N🐕: Never say I'm weird...

{N then heard a gasp he saw Uzi she looked shocked she saw everything that he did she ran off as N flew up following Uzi you were by a campfire waiting for N, V and Uzi to get back you heard someone yelling your name you looked and saw it was Uzi you saw she looked scared}

🔫Uzi🔫: Y/N! Run! N is crazy and a killer!

You: Ooh Uzi you're so silly N would never be a killer

{You laughed as Uzi shook her head and grabbed you by the shoulders you saw she looked serious and wasn't kidding}

🔫Uzi🔫: Y/N let's get out of here before he hurts us!

You: But I don't understand what did he do?...

🔫Uzi🔫: He killed V...

{You were shocked hearing this you were hoping it was just a prank the guys were pulling but Uzi looked and sounded serious}

You: I-I...

🔫Uzi🔫: Let's go before N fi-

{Uzi's head was shot off by N you let out a loud scream as your face was covered in a bit of Uzi's oil you looked at N scared as you backed away}

🐕N🐕: There they are my love~

You: Stay away from me please don't hurt me N....

🐕N🐕: I can never hurt a pretty little thing like you~

You: Why did you do it?

🐕N🐕: I did it for us Y/N they were in the way~

You: In the way of what?....

🐕N🐕: Our love now close your eyes and do as I say

{N grabbed you by the chin and lifted you up he then kissed you on the lips wrapping his arms around you}

*heated lemon coming up again if you don't like it skip it or don't read it you have been warned*

{You kissed him back as your wrapped your arms around him your tongues began to play with each other N moaned in the kiss as he laid you down gently on the ground you wrapped her arms and legs around him pulling him closer to you N began to suck and bite on your neck as you let out a couple of moans which loved to hear he kissed you again as you both began to make out again you both moaned in the kiss he released the kiss as a string of saliva came out he then looked into your eyes and smirked making you blush}

🐕N🐕: You're so beautiful/handsome I could kiss you all day my love~

You: Oh N you're my one true love

🐕N🐕: As I should be and I'm the only one you need no family no friends just me~

You: I only belong to you my love

🐕N🐕: Good and we can finally be together forever and no one can break us apart~

You: Just you and me....

🐕N🐕: For all eternity...

Hello wolf pups I hope you guys enjoyed I didn't know which book to update so I choose murder drones thank you all so much for reading as always feel free to leave a comment for a request I do oneshots, headcanons and scenarios but before you request make sure to read the rules please and thank you I'll see you wolf pups in the next one☮️🐺

Author note:Make sure to put WD(worker drone) MD(murder drone) or human so I can know what you want to reader to be when you request something or I'll just pick randomly for you please and thank you

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