Yandere N x Female Human Reader

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Trigger Warning:gore, stalking, cursing, kidnapping

Ever since all the humans died on Copper 9 the worker drones have taken over but they didn't know one human survived the explosion her name was Y/N the worker drones brought her in knowing she couldn't survive out there with the murder drones on the loose Y/N became best friends with a worker drone Uzi she was your typical goth teen girl she was hard on everybody but she was soft with you Uzi and you went to the same class together everybody thought it was weird to have a human in their class but didn't really care they just avoid you most of the time thinking you'll hurt them class ended Uzi and you decided to go meet N at the landing pod but you didn't know had a crush on you he once watched you walking home he's been doing this for the past 4 months now

N:You will be mine soon Y/N...
V:Why are you talking to yourself again N?
N:W-What I'm not t-talking to m-myself shut up V!
V:Whatever weirdo

N saw you walking in with Uzi he growled as he saw you standing next to Uzi his tail twitching like he was about to attack someone Uzi saw this thinking why N was acting this way she was starting to notice N will act overprotective or possessive of you whenever you came over to visit him Uzi made sure to keep a close eye on N making sure he doesn't hurt you Uzi stepped away from you sitting down in one of the chairs N calming down he walked up to you wrapping his arm around you pulling you close in a protective mode

N:So Y/N how was your day at school?
You:It was okay I guess
N:That's great! Maybe I should come with you one day
You:I don't think that's a good idea
Uzi:Yeah they won't let a murder drone in the base

N glared at Uzi his face turning into that "X" Uzi seemed now concerned for you she thought N was a psychopath now thinking he wouldn't let anyone near you Uzi looked away not wanting to piss off N in any way as he face turned back to normal he hugged you kissing your cheek as you blushed a bit V raised an eyebrow thinking this was weird seeing N like this

V:Uh, N what the heck are you doing to Y/N?
N:Kissing her, what's wrong with that?
Uzi:Well you kiss her without her consent
V:Yeah she may be uncomfortable
N:Nah! They are totally okay with me doing this
V:If you say so

After what felt like hours hanging together you felt like going home since you were tired Uzi said she'll catch up with you later since she wanted to tell V something you left as you didn't know someone was watching you about to walk into the base you bumped into Thad the jock in the school he was actually a pretty sweet guy and not mean like you expect a jock to be he blushed as he saw you Thad had a crush on you ever since you two met Thad rubbed the back of his head giggling

Thad:H-Hi Y/N, how are you doing?
You:Hello Thad I'm doing fine, what about you?
Thad:G-Great lots of games to play
You:Sounds like fun well I gotta go home I'm tired

You were about to leave but felt something grabbed your wrist you turned your head to see it was Thad

Thad:I wanted to ask you something Y/N
You:What is it Thad?
Thad:Will you go to prom with me?
You:Really? You want me to go with you?
Thad:Yeah! I think you're the most amazing girl
You:Well then...I'll love to go with you!
Thad:Yes! Can't wait!
You:Same here well see you later Thad!
Thad:Bye Y/N!

You waved bye to Thad as he jumped in the air throwing his hat catching it Thad smiled walking off until something grabbed him pinning him to the wall roughly he groaned from the pain

Thad:What the...who are you ?
N:Y/N future husband
Thad:She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend
N:Our relationship is secret
Thad:So you two are dating in secret?
N:Well...we aren't dating...yet
Thad:Why are you saying your her future husband?
N:Cause I am!
Thad:You can't force her to love you fucker
N:You're gonna regret calling me that you little shit
Thad:W-What are you g-gonna do?
N:You'll see in just a sec...

N stabbed Thad in the stomach a bunch of oil coming out as Thad screamed in pain but N covered his mouth with his tail Thad looking scared

N:I wouldn't scream if I were you...
Thad:Please..let me go...I'll leave Y/N alone...please
N:I'm afraid it's to late for that...
N:Say hello to that bitch J for me

N stabbed Thad in the face with his tail the acid running down as Thad tried to scream but N had his mouth covered with his hand N then ripped Thad head off his body N licking the oil as he smiled laughed a bit enjoyed what he just did

N:Now you know what happens if you touch my Y/N

He laughed then looked over to you seeing that you had a shocked expression on your face N eyes widened but went back to normal walking up to you lifting your chin up then knocked you out after a few minutes you woke up tied to a chair you looked around but seeing you were in a office N came out standing up from his chair walking up to you lifting your chin up

N:Good to see you're awake N/N
You:N, why are you doing this I thought we were-
N:Friends? No we are such more then that
You:What do you mean?
N:I mean I'm your husband and you're my wife
You:N-No please let me go!
N:Afraid I can't do that I can't let V and Uzi know
You:What do you do to them?!
N:Noting...but I will if they try to take you away
You:*sniff* please let me go...
N:Don't cry my dear it will all be alright

N kissed you on the lips walking off into the darkness looking back at you with a evil smile

N:We will be together...forever and ever...hehehe...

Hello wolf pups it's great to see you all again, did you enjoy the story? I sure hope so cause more is coming soon so stay tuned for that wolf pups and as always if you want to leave a request I'm doing oneshots, headcanons and scenarios but make sure to read the rules please and thank you I'll see you all in the next one see you wolf pups☮️🐺

Murder Drones episode 3 February 17th! Let's go!

Author Note:You'll get the prom reference if you watch this or if you guess it being a prom episode lol

Murder Drones x Reader Oneshots, headcanon and scenarios Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang