When They Get Jealous

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Uzi doesn't get jealous that much she will but won't show it she saw that you were talking to Thad laughing with each other about something Uzi growled marching her way over to you she grabbed you putting you over her shoulder as she looked at Thad in the eyes "This ass is mine!"(anyone get the reference?) Thad just laughed as Uzi playfully slapped your butt Uzi put you back down as she glared at you "Was my kitten jealous?" You laughed "Me? Jealous? Ha!" Uzi rolled her eyes "Okay maybe a little..." she hugged you as you hugged her back "Don't worry you'll always be in my heart" you kissed the top of her head "I better be or I'll kick your ass" she said as you both laughed

N gets jealous a lot he's a bit clingy let's say he mostly wants you to himself he saw you hanging with Uzi as she was showing you her railgun and how to use it N growled like a dog N came down hugging you from behind "N what's wrong honey?" You asked him "You're not paying any attention to me..." N said with a sad face "Aww are you jealous?" You teased him "Maybe" he giggled a bit "Don't worry I won't take them" Uzi laughed "You better not" N sounded like he just threatened Uzi as she gulped

Since J already knew who you were V finally decided to bring you to the landing pod you hesitated at first since you were a lonely hunter and didn't like meeting other people besides V since she was nice to you V begged you to come with her after some convincing you gave up and decided to go V was excited to have another member in the team she brought you to the landing pod N didn't know you two were dating cause V didn't tell him nor did J going inside J smirked seeing you getting up from her seat wrapping a arm around you "Hello there~" J said in a flirty way "Uh, hi" you said a bit uncomfortable V hissed at J "What do you think you're doing?!" V yelled "What? Can't I greet our guest?" J rolled her eyes "That's my lover!" V hissed again as her face turned into that "X" mark "Aww you can share" J grabbed your chin about to kiss you but you stopped her "Sorry J but I love V" you said J just scoffed sitting back in her chair "Whatever" she spun her chair to face the other direction "I love you too" V kissed you on the lips as you kissed back

As usual you were goofing off with N you two running around like little children J punched the wall "Why are they always hanging out with N?!" J yelled under her breath "Aww are you jealous?" V laughed "No I'm not jealous of that idiot!" J scoffed "Then why don't you go and prove that?" V teased "Y/N only loves me" J smiled "And I can prove that" J walked outside as V watched "Yep she's jealous" V laughed J walked up to you carrying you bride style "Listen here you idiot Y/N is mine, got it?" J asked "Of course Y/N won't stop talking about how much they love you" N smiled J looked over to you as you gave her nod "I love you too" J smiled giving a kiss

You, Lizzy and Doll were walking down the hall going to cheer practice this one boy Trevor had a crush on you and will try to flirt with you any chance that he got you were talking to Lizzy and Doll about new moves you guys can try Trevor saw you as he smirked pressing you up against the wall licking his lips "Well hello there Y/N" he smirked "Ugh not again" you rolled your eyes "Where are you headed off to?" He asked "None of your business" you glared at him "Aww come on don't be like that babe" he winked making you cringe a bit "You are aware I have a boyfriend right?" You said "Who? Thad? Oh please I can treat you way better baby~" Doll was about to step in along with Lizzy but was stopped by Thad "Now come here~" Trevor was about to lean in and kiss you but Thad grabbed him by his shoulder "Hey I appreciate it if you didn't flirt with my partner" Thad glared at him Trevor eyes widened seeing Thad "Oh sorry...I'll just be going" he said walking off "Yeah and if I catch you doing this again I won't be so nice" Thad said as Trevor ran off "Are you okay?" Thad cupped your cheek "Yeah I'm fine thank you" giving him a soft smile Thad then look down a bit angry "You okay there Thad?" Lizzy asked "It's just there's a lot of people who want to date Y/N and I get so mad" Thad said "Aww you jealous" you pinched his cheek "Maybe" he chucked "Don't worry Thad I'll always be yours" you kissed his cheek "I love them so much" he smiled

Oh man she gets jealous very easily she saw Rebecca flirting with you and let's say it didn't go so well the two almost got into a fist fight but was stopped my Doll, you and Uzi after that Lizzy felt kinda bad that you had to see her like that "I'm sorry about that Y/N" Lizzy looked away in sadness "You don't have to be sorry plus she had it coming" you hugged her "Yeah no one flirts with my Y/N and gets away with it" she put her fist up in the air which made you laugh "I only have eyes for your Lizzy and don't you forget that" you kissed her on the cheek "Aww I love you so much" she squealed giving you a tight hug

She don't freaking play she's fine with you talking to your friends but if she sees someone flirting with you that person is not seen ever again just like Uzi she won't she that she's jealous you can tell by her expression but won't bring it up cause you didn't want to upset her one day a girl named Penny came by as she began to flirt with you "Hey there hehe~" she giggled Doll was giving that death glare at her you saw this afraid something bad was about to happen you looked at Penny and sighed "I have a girlfriend so I'll like if you left us alone please" you said Penny just rolled her eyes and left Doll kissed you on the lips as you kissed her back "Я тебя люблю" she smiled "I love you too" you smiled back

Hello wolf pups I hope you guys enjoyed I didn't know which book to update so I choose murder drones thank you all so much for reading as always feel free to leave a comment for a request I do oneshots, headcanons and scenarios but before you request make sure to read the rules please and thank you I'll see you wolf pups in the next one☮️🐺

Author note:Make sure to put WD(worker drone) MD(murder drone) or human so I can know what you want to reader to be when you request something or I'll just pick randomly for you please and thank you

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