N x Female Human Y/N

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Requested by:TMNT_Fan101

Hello wolf pups I again want to apologize for being gone for such a long time it's just I've been busy at times or just not in the mood to write I wanted for take a break for Wattpad for a while but I'll try to be as active as I was before so again I'm deeply sorry but thank you for your patience and support❤️

(You and Tessa were best friends ever since you two were toddlers Tessa invited you to go to the gala her parents are throwing tonight but the problem is you were scared of her parents especially her Mom she was very mean and judgmental at times)

(You decided to go since you wanted to spend time with Tessa anyways you dressed up for the gala in a F/C dress you were ready and headed to the manor it was raining hard that night but luckily you brought a umbrella so you wouldn't get wet)

(You knocked on the door as Tessa opened it she screamed happily as she hugged you very tightly)

Tessa: Y/N!

You: hello to you too Tessa

Tessa: I'm so excited that you are finally here

You: Me too it's been a while since I been in your manor

Tessa: Come in I want to show you something

You: Alright

(You followed her as she took you to a dining area there was many tables set up as you saw robots putting plates and utensils on the table)

Tessa: Y/N I want you to meet J, V, N and ugh Cyn....

J: hey...you

V: hello

N: nice to meet y-

(You and N looked at each other and blushed Tessa and J looked at you two confused then at each other)

Tessa: Uh...Hello? Earth to Y/N and N!

(You both shook your heads laughing nervously)

N: W-Welcome to the gala!

You: Thank you...

(You and N talked to each other having a fun time you two had a lot in common love for dogs N was fun to talk to you somehow felt safe with him but you saw Cyn kept looking at you with a anger look on her face it made you feel a bit uncomfortable but you ignored it)

(Later that day you had to use the bathroom you got up as you were walking you felt like you were being watched by something or someone you began to walk a bit faster but something then tackled you, you looked to see it was Cyn)

You: C-Cyn?...what are you doing?....

Cyn: Teaching you a lesson no one can date my big brother he only needs me not you...

You: B-But....you can't ju-

(Cyn stabbed you as you screamed in pain N immediately heard your screams following the sounds of your screams he saw something shocking Cyn killing you very violently as she laughed manically tears ran down N's visor)

N: H-How could y-you Cyn?...

Cyn: She had it coming she was taking you away from me and no one can have you....

N: Y-You're a monster!

Cyn: And maybe I should kill you now...

N: N-No plea-

(Cyn stabbed N as she laughed, N then woke up screaming he looked around seeing he was in the landing pod he touched his chest breathing heavily)

N: It was a dream...oh Y/N...I need some oil I'm overheating a bit

(He flew out of the landing pod looking for worker drones until he saw a spaceship coming it landed as N saw who came out of it, it was Y/N his love but she looked different she was a murder drone)

N: Y/N?

You: N?

N: You look so different, what happened to you?

You: Well after Cyn killed me Tessa saw me dead and decided to bring me back somehow and now I'm a murder drone like you

N: You look so pretty

You: Thanks N it's really good seeing you again I really missed you

N: I missed you too and I have something important to tell you...

You: What is it?

N: I have a crush on you and I love you so much Y/N

You: Really? I love you too

(N smiled as he went over to you he hugged you as you hugged back tears fell down both yours and N's visors you both then kissed holding onto each other tight never wanting to let go you and N were finally together and will never be apart again he then heard Uzi and V whistling and clapping)

Uzi: Look at our boy N all grown up and already has a girlfriend awww

V: We are so proud of you N hehe

N: Shush you two!

Uzi: Can I be a bridesmaids at your wedding?

V: Oh! Me too!

You: To early for that girls but in the future yes you can be my bridesmaids

V and Uzi: Yay!

(N rolled his eyes as he thought the girls were being silly as they usually were but that's what he liked that them they are his family and now you are too his true love is finally back to him and you were happy to be back with him as well)

Hello wolf pups I hope you guys enjoyed I didn't know which book to update so I choose murder drones thank you all so much for reading as always feel free to leave a comment for a request I do oneshots, headcanons and scenarios but before you request make sure to read the rules please and thank you I'll see you wolf pups in the next one☮️🐺

Author note:Make sure to put WD(worker drone) MD(murder drone) or human so I can know what you want to reader to be when you request something or I'll just pick randomly for you please and thank you

Murder Drones x Reader Oneshots, headcanon and scenarios Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя