How You Met Them

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You were a new student in the class the teacher introduced you as everyone said their hellos "Alright Y/N go sit next to Uzi" he pointed to where she was sitting you did what you were told as you sat next to her "Hi I'm Y/N" you greeted "I'm Uzi" she said with a smile "Wow that's a pretty cool name" you smiled giving her a thumbs up she blushed looking away from you "Gross can't believe you said that" she said "Well I hope we can be great friends" you said "Yeah...I'll like that" she smiled after that you two became great friends and always stayed together

You were new to the squad N was the first to greet you he was also the nice one not like V and J who didn't really care about you they mostly just ignored you "Don't let them get to you" N put his hand on your shoulder you looked at N as he was smiling at you "Why are they so mean?" You asked "Eh you'll get used to it they are always mean to me too" he frowned "Well you don't deserve that treatment" you hugged him "Thanks least you are nice to me" he hugged you back the two of you became close after that

You weren't in the squad you were a lone hunter you were out hunting for worker drones you were flying till you saw one you dove down trying to grab it but you bumped into someone causing the both of you to crash on the ground you groaned in pain you looked up to see another murder drone like you "Hey! What don't you watch where you're going?!" The drone yelled the voice it sounded like a female "Sorry I didn't see you there" you apologized helping the drone up "It's fine, wait aren't you in our squad" she questioned "No I'm a lone hunter" you smiled "Hehe lonely hunter? I like that" she laughed "I'm V by the way" she greeted "I'm Y/N" you winked making her blush for now on you two went hunting together

N and V found you all alone as you were a murder drone so they took you in after N begging V as she finally gave in they took you to the landing pod where J was waiting for them to return she saw someone new as she groaned "Great another one?" She said a bit annoyed "Don't look at me this was all N's idea" V pointed at N as he looked a bit nervous "N stop adopting everything you see!" J yelled at him "I'm sorry but we couldn't just leave them out there J" N said she looked over at you "What's your name anyways?" She asked "I'm Y/N" you said a bit shy "Well as you now know I'm J that's V and that's the moron that adopted you N" she introduced everyone "Well it's great to meet you all" you smiled "Whatever" J rolled her eyes walking off after a few days she grew into you even became your best friend

Your friends Lizzy and Doll convinced you to join the cheerleading squad(I think that's what they are)you finally gave in and joined they cheered as they wanted you to meet someone it was a boy his name was Thad you heard many things about him that he was actually a very nice person Thad was talking to his friends when he saw you, Lizzy and Doll walking up to him "Hi girls! And who might this be?" He asked "This is our friend Y/N" Lizzy greeted you softly pushing you in front of Thad making the both of you blush "Well nice to meet you Y/N I'm Thad" he put his hand in front of you "I'm Y/N as you may know already" you laughed taking his hand as you shook hands "Well it's great to have you on the team hope to see you again" he winked then walking off Doll and Lizzy teased you "Looks like somebody is in love" Lizzy laughed "be quiet!" You yelled blushing as they both just laughed at you even more

Lizzy and Doll decided to make fun of Uzi after getting into trouble in class "Ew it didn't kill her" her and Doll began to laugh as you went up to her "I'll appreciate it if you didn't talk to my sister like that" you said "Oh my gosh you're related to her? I feel so sorry for you" Lizzy put her hands on her chest very dramatically "As a matter of fact I'll feel sorry for you after the beating I'm going to give you" you threaten her "Geez sorry didn't mean to make you mad" she said looking away from you "It's not me you should be apologizing to it's Uzi" you pointed at your sister Lizzy apologize along with Doll as Uzi gave them a thumbs up "I'm Lizzy and that's my friend Doll" Doll waved at you "I'm Y/N" you smiled then walking back to your sister Uzi "Damn why are they so cute?" Lizzy said to herself "What was that?" Doll asked "N-noting" Lizzy said while blushing madly Doll just laughed

You were Lizzy's close friend and she really wnated you to meet her other close friend Doll Lizzy took you over to her home so you can finally meet her Lizzy knocked on tje door as Doll answered it "Hi Lizzy, is this Y/N?" She asked looking over at you "Yeah! This is Y/N I'm so happy you two finally meet!" Lizzy yelled jumping up and down like a hyper child "Calm down girl this isn't a movie" you laughed "Oh! Sorry!" Lizzy stopped jumping as she looked a bit embarrassed what she just did hoping no one else saw that besides you two "Well it's finally nice to meet you Y/N" Doll smiled at you "It's also nice to meet you as well Doll" you gave her a smile back "You two look socute together" Lizzy teased you and Doll looked at each other then blushed looking away "I'll hunt you down if you don't stop Lizzy!" Doll yelled "No need to get violent" Lizzy laughed Doll looked at you once more blushing again as you did as well knowing maybe one day you two will get together someday

Author Note:I know Doll speaks Russian but I didn't feel like using a translator causs I'm lazy so I hope that's okay with you guys

Hello wolf pups I hope you all enjoyed as always if you want to leave a request in the comments feel free to do so as long as you follow the rules please I love you all and now I'm going to go to sleep cause I'm very sleepy after writing this so I'll see you all in the next one ☮️🐺

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