Yandere N x WD Reader

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You and Uzi were pretty close friends you two went to the same class together you weren't gonna lie you grew a small crush on her you did plan to confess but decided not to so you kept it to yourself in Uzi's room she told you about her plan about sneaking into the murder drone lair to get a part she needs for her railgun and you of course as a friend begged her not to since you were worried about her safety she told you everything will be okay as long as she had her railgun with her

Uzi:Come on Y/N it'll be fun
You:I don't know it's dangerous out there
Uzi:I'll protect you
You:Well I guess I don't mind coming with you then
Uzi:Alrighty let's get going

You blushed seeing her happy her smile always made your day after convincing Khan to let you guys go he did you felt a shiver go up your spine seeing the outside of the place it was all covered in snow skeletons all over the place Uzi saw this she grabbed your hand for comfort making you blush even more you two talked to the spiral of corpses Uzi looked around letting go of your hand finally finding the item she needs for her railgun you sighed in relief

You:Okay let's get out of here now
Uzi:Yeah let's g-

Uzi and you heard something quickly hiding behind something Uzi grabbed a piece of glass showing the reflection of a murder drone it sooner spotted the both of you it flew into the air Uzi putting the part into the railgun but the murder drone landed on the ground disarming Uzi she did a flip in air landing on her feet saying something about anime the murder drone stab Uzi in the hand tossing Uzi aside you grabbed a pipe that was laying around running up the robot about to hit it but it was to fast grabbing your neck choking you to death you started to kick trying to break free it's grip everything was going blurry Uzi immediately grabbed her railgun shooting at the murder drone's head off falling onto the ground you got up from the ground gasping for hair holding onto your neck Uzi rushed up to you horrified getting onto her knees

Uzi:Are you okay Y/N?!
You:Y-Yeah I'm f-fine don't worry
Uzi:I'm so sorry I shouldn't have brought you here...
You:Hey it's okay no need to apologize
Uzi:Let's go going

Uzi helped you up but something was wrong the robot grew it's head back Uzi grabbed a arm slapping it across the face as it's yellow eyes came on

N:Did you just slap me with that arm?
Uzi:Holy crap it talks

N told you and Uzi everything soon after the fight with J and V you three became the best of friends N started to have a crush on you he will always blush every time you were near him but N began to act strange like kinda possessive in a aggressive way he will cling onto you most of the time you just thought he was just being the jealous friend type you just ignored it

N:Hey Y/N I made something for you
You:Oh what is it?

He handed you a drawing of you and him getting married and having a family together you raised an eyebrow questioning it but didn't want to hurt his feelings you smiled up at him

You:Thank you?
N:I knew you'll like it hehe
You:Yeah it's great...
N:What's wrong? Did I made a mistake in it?
You:Oh no it's just...noting don't worry about it
N:Well I'm just glad you like it

He walked off leaving you alone with V and Uzi they saw the drawing he gave you they thought it was a bit strange Uzi and you decided to go home now as you two were walking out of the pod N picked you up bridal style making you blush a bit

You:N what are you doing?
N:I'm carrying you
You:N I can walk by myself you know
N:But I wanna carry you, please?
You:Fine I guess

N smiled giving you a kiss on the head Uzi started to get more suspicious of N's behavior she was gonna get to the bottom of it N dropped you off giving you a goodbye kiss on the cheek

Uzi:I'll catch up just meet me by the bathrooms
You:Okay see you

Uzi waited for you to leave for she can talk to N she grabbed N by the shoulder turning him around as N saw the max expression on her face

N:What do you want?
Uzi:You need to stop what you are doing to Y/N
N:And why should I?
Uzi:You are making them feel uncomfortable
N:I'm their boyfriend it's called showing affection
Uzi:You guys aren't even dating!
N:No...but we soon are
Uzi:N you can't force them to love you
N:Yeah I can I just need to get rid of something
Uzi:W-What's that?...

Uzi tried to run away but N grabbed her by her hair pulling Uzi towards him she struggled to get out but couldn't N snapped Uzi'a neck making her fall onto the ground he smiled as he laughed

N:Now I have Y/N all to myself

N laughed as he heard a gasp he looked up and saw you he smiled as he walked up to you grabbing you tightly by the arm

You:Let go! Someone help!
N:No one is going to come for you my dear
You:N please!
N:Now let's make the drawing come true

N dragged you as he put a dress onto you as he wanted to wear the tux he found some flowers as he forced you to grab them you two were at a altar he made you were crying knowing no one will come at your rescue N smiled at you loved seeing your tears

N:Don't cry my dear it's our wedding day
You:But I don't love you...
N:Of course you do

N said the lines as he forced you to say yes N put the ring on your finger as he kissed you on the lips you fell onto you knees crying as N got on his knees hugging you brushing your hair

N:And we are going to be together...forever and ever...

Hello wolf pups I hope you guys enjoyed I didn't know which book to update so I choose murder drones thank you all so much for reading as always feel free to leave a comment for a request I do oneshots, headcanons and scenarios but before you request make sure to read the rules please and thank you I'll see you wolf pups in the next one☮️🐺

Author note:Make sure to put WD(worker drone) MD(murder drone) or human so I can know what you want to reader to be when you request something or I'll just pick randomly for you please and thank you

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