18. let's end it quick

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Nanon's POV

I reached the Office....the lift door opened and Ohm was right in front of my eyes. His eyes went wide but soon composed his posture as Perth walked behind.

You just came. He asked while I nodded.

You both are late today. Perth said.

By any chance were you up all night after that Project? Perth questioned.

I peeked at Ohm, who was sipping on his water bottle looking somewhere.

Huh yes. For a while. I said feeling kinda awkward.

I suggest you people to stay calm and concentrate on that project. We have only two days left for that.

Emm. Ohm hummed not talking much.

On the 8th floor the lift door opened and people started getting into the lift pushing us at the back.

Ohm somehow ended up beside me my heart started banging loud when he touched my little finger. He immediately kept his hands in his pockets, stranger how I hate the thought of him keeping his hands in the pocket.


Evening the environment was very hot as it was finally the evaluation time for the trends of the company.

Everyone was so tensed so was I, cause the efforts I kept on this company leaving my own company is speechless.

Ohm was leaning against the table staring at the screen which I was operating. He kept cracking his bone and randomly punching the table while all the employees were surrounded by me hoping for the good news.

How is it Nanon? He asked while I shook my head.

Wait a minute let me check. I said scrolling through the screen I took a deep breath looking at Ohm. He raised his eyebrows expecting the worst so were the employees.

The thing is the stocks percentage raised to 85.6% dragging us to the top 3rd position of the charts. I said slowly smiling.

YOU ARE JOKING? Ohm said with unbelievable eyes.

No. I AM SERIOUS OHM.... CONGRATULATIONS. I screamed with excitement, Ohm pulled me within a minute I was in the air.

Everyone started celebrating screaming clapping and congratulating but at that moment I was deaf as Ohm was looking at me smiling while twirling me in the air. .

Thankyou so much without you......I don't know if I could make it. He said smiling. I have never seen him this happy or maybe he is getting handsome day by day that I am finding him a bit attractive. Damn what the fuck I am thinking in my right state of mind?

Put me down. I whispered tapping his shoulder.

Uhh...yeah...I-I....I am sorry for getting too excited. He said dropping me, I didn't say anything instead smiling and shaking hands with people who are congratulating us.

Everyone Thankyou for all you day and night hardwork and dedication towards the company. I know I have been so harsh and pushed you people off your limits for that I would like to apologise from the bottom of my heart. Ohm said putting a hand on his chest.

Oh no boss.....we are lucky enough to have Nanon here for making our work easy. One of his employee Pete said. I smiled kinda embarrassed.

Yes, Thankyou Nanon. Without you I could never do something like this in a very short time. Ohm replied making me blush with the sudden praises.

Here all of you listen. It was not me, it's Nanon who made this company to make it on top three. And guess we need to celebrate this mini win. Shouldn't we?

OH YESSS....!! (Everyone screaming)

I face palmed myself thinking about Ohm....

He is on my mind for 24 7 365 and why do I feel so nice about him wasn't I the one who hated to even have a thought about him and now here I am thinking about him for whole day leaving the damn ass party and struggling to get out of the thoughts.

I should be sad on behalf of my company for making on top 10 but no I am just too happy that Ohm's company is on top three.

Something is really wrong with my mind as it randomly started flashing memories with Ohm from last night.

My face is getting all hot and red that shit is really embarassing. I don't know how I managed to make it today, while Ohm was so cool as if he wasn't there with me last night.

He is really so cool for being professional meanwhile here I am getting rotten with the same thoughts.

I love you....Nanon. I closed my ears. Breathing heavily.

I really need to stop thinking about it. Why why whyyyyy? Why can I stop having the thought of him?

He is not a kind to love me....I mean out of all ME? He might making a new plot to put me down in my place.....I mean why he will love me when all I did was planning to mess.the shit out of him part from anythingggg...

What was he thinking while I was doing the most embarrassing thing a Man could do? He probably thought me a fucking woRe.....God Help I am dying out of embarrassment now.

Hey....What are you doing here? I turned around to see Ohm casually leaning against the wall and looking at me.

Why are you not in the party upstairs? He asked walking into my cabin.

Emm....I am looking at the trends.

Okayyy....He leaned forward next to me to look at the trends and my heart started banging loud again.

I am sorry. I know you took this as a compitition but in the end looks like I am really sinking you down.

Just couple of days Nanon.....and you will be free from me. I promise I won't bother you from now on. Not professionally nor P.. Personally. He said giving me that anxiety again.

What do you mean?

I mean....I won't bother you again. I know there is so much going on.....

Going On what?

Ohm's POV

Going on....Like what ever is happening in your mind.

What's happening in my mind? I was trying to come up with some explanation but his questions zipping up my mouth. I have no answers to his questions.

Nothing....!! You look disturbed with all the work.

I never said that so don't jump into conclusions.

Nanon If you can't see what's happening fine let me say it....I am trying so hard not to pick a fight with you, to be in my limits-

Don't try. Don't change. There is nothing to change. He said looking straight into the screen with his cold eyes.

Okay. I nodded my head turning around cause I am not in the state to get rejected again. I don't know why I keep on hoping for something which it will never happen. I don't know why I keep coming back to him for more.

Remember we have only two days left for this project. And its not that late to go home and we don't have enough time to do some bullshit party. I want to make it as soon as possible, it will be nice if you co-operate.

Never knew you are this desperate towards this project. I smirked hiding the frown on my face.

Okay let's get it done as soon as possible.


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