4. Winter Nights

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Nanon's POV

The moment I opened my eyes I got startled with 4 pairs of eyes staring into mine...!!

OHHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDD. I got up screaming my lungs out they were looking weird with Gold colour heavy Metal chains hung around their necks and dressed in pieces of clothes basically wrapped around their torso.

Two Men and Two women were present at that moment my heart was racing so fast cause I couldn't understand their language yes they were speaking Thai but in a different accent which was hard to understand.

A woman who was a bit older moved to me and I jerked at my place when she came a bit closer to me trying to touch my forehead.

Like what she is doing to me?

Move away I yelled but hissed with the pain from my head. They started growling at me I was so scared until I heard a familiar voice.

I turned to look at Ohm who was standing in his ripped pants and black inner garment.

I breathed out, he said something in their language and they started walking out of the room giggling a bit.

He sat infront of me. I frowned with the look on his face like he was staring at my face for a while until he yelled.



When you can't drive why the fuck you took bike? Ohm said pulling my hand and started removing the bandages from my hand then applying some green paste on my healing wound.

Where are we? I asked looking around we were clearly in a small Hut with candle light as a source.

In a tribal village. He said and my eyes went wide.

Trust me, you breath to pull me down in everyways. I said and pushed him trying to walk away. The moment I walked out I was nearly in a hilly region surrounded by fog, people who dressed in weird manner and huts made of Coconut fiber.

Fine go ahead, I won't be responsible if you are lost or got eaten by some wild animal. Ohm said walking out of the hut.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the hut.


I have been in this hut for so long that the sky started getting darker and my stomach started growling.

I was getting a tasty smell of the food and the traditional music started playing.

Out of curiosity I walked out to see people dancing around the fire in a circle. And a big pot arranged on the fire.

Hia (Brother)you are awake? A Girl in her early teenage years ran towards me smiling widely. She pulled my hand along with her making me stand inside the circle and joined the circle to dance while smiling at me.

Unknown to me, I felt weirdly good, those people weren't weird but they were being nice to me. I just happened to misunderstand their gestures. I was just smiling and smiling, Women started touching me and adoring me with Love and affection.

I saw Ohm getting pulled into the circle by the same teen girl. He was smiling at the girl standing infront of me in a very awkward manner.

I sat at a corner on the rock. That teen girl approached me with a leaf filled with food.

It didn't took a minute to dig in, I was so hungry that I completed the food in 2 min.

Let me go grab another meal for you. You look so hungry. She said and ran, I started cough as the food got stuck within my respiratory tract looking for water.

I saw Ohm offering me a glass of water. I gulped with out a second thought.

Hia, here you are. That girl came back with another meal. Ohm shakes his head and walks away to join the group of people.

Is it tasty? That girl asked, I nodded my head in yes after giving her a brief smile.

What's your Name?

Cherry. She replied.

How do you speak Thai? I asked out of curiosity, she smiled at me widely.

I join my Dad's small business of selling the pure honey down the hill in the city.

Oh is this why your Thai is so good? Makes school.

Hmmmmmm.....Okay Hia, I will look after Ohm, He might be hungry.

Ohm? I raised my eyebrow at her cause she called her with his name.

Yes, Ohm. She giggled looking at the crowd probably at Ohm.

Oh....looks like someone is having crush here. I said looking at the blush on her cheeks.

Obviously, Hia. He carried you on his back all the way up to the hill just to save you. You have no idea how worried he was for these 3 days. Looking at him made me realise that Ohm is my ideal type.

He was worried for me? I asked almost with an unbelievable expression pointing at myself. She nodded.


That night...

(Slap, Slap, Slap)

Too many Mosquitoes. I complained hitting my skin for the nth time.

Ohm walked into the hut with new blanket and a glass of water...!!

Cover yourself and get well soon we need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Sure this doesn't has any weird thing mixed in it? I asked l, he shook his head and drank all the water from the glass and laid-back beside me with an annoyed frown on his face.

I rolled my eyes and took some pills made of medicinal leaves they said it works like a painkiller.

It was weird to lay beside Ohm, common who will imagine that there might be a day to lay beside my ultimate Enemy.

I can't sleep, the bed is not warm and there are so many Mosquitoes. Ohm turned his head to look back at me with an annoyed frown on his face.

He turned towards me and I was confused like how dare he turned around?

Do you want me to tell you a small story?


Well. Just the history of this Tribal Village which I got to know from Cherry.

Fine, I can't sleep anyway. So, Go ahead.

Sooo......These people here got settled here a long ago, they are carrying that traditional rituals to generation and the thing they believe in Nature their ultimate god which save them from everything. They believe in superstition and old sayings.

Everytime a Women gives a birth they will plant a tree and everytime a human dies they burry it beneath the same tree.

The popular superstition here is that there is believing that the spirits of people still roam around protecting the hill and their village.

So everything a Wolf howls there is a indication that the spirits are roaming around.

(Distance Wolf Howling.)

See....I told yaa. Looks like the spirits are on their duties......(Ohm yawns)

Ahhhhhh......Good Night. He said and turned around.

Good Night? Fuck, it's more like Nightmare. I thought to myself.

(Meanwhile Ohm chuckles to himself)

Ehhh Ohm, You slept? I asked almost shivering with fear.

What exactly should I do with the information you Dickhead.

(Distance Wolf Howling continues)

Damnnnn, this is giving me chills. God Save me.

(Nanon continue to prayer to all the Gods in the Universe.)

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