A gift for the Queen

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Meanwhile, back at the neighborhood where the Nickle family lived and Tiffany first grew, Lucas ran out of the house and gulped nervously as he watched his mother, Doreen, pull up in her station wagon. Doreen got out of the car and Lucas immediately ran to his mother.

"Peanuts! Thank goodness you're okay! Have you seen what's happened to Tiffany?" Doreen said.

"Mom! I'm so sorry... I can explain what happened..." Lucas took a deep breath, expecting to be grounded for life, but instead...

"It doesn't matter how it happened. The important thing is that you're safe" Doreen answered.

"Yes, Mom. Yes, I was... um... outside when it happened. I..." Lucas babbled.

"Lucas, wait here. I'm going to go inside and call the science lab. Maybe they can find out what's happened to Tiffany and find a way to cure her" Doreen hurried inside the wreckage of the house.

Lucas, meanwhile, merely folded his arms over the incredible stroke of luck he just went through.

"Rokai! Rokai!" a female voice shouted from nearby. Lucas' eyes lifted up as there were only a select few who called him by that name. He looked towards the anthill in the front yard and approached it, leaning down to just barely make out three ants that he recognized.

"Zoc! Hova! Queen!" Lucas said.

"Oh good... the implant I left in your head works perfectly. We can hear each other crystal clear!" Hova shouted.

"Rokai, are you alright?" Zoc asked.

"Yes, but what are you doing out here?" Lucas asked.

"Tell us, Rokai. Has your sister, the girl you call Tiffany, been enlarged to giant size? Of course, when I say giant size, I mean big enough to make you and other humans look like ants?" Queen asked.

"Well, actually, yes" Lucas said. There was a very audible groan from Zoc.

"It's just as I feared. Those rookie worker ants used the wrong potion" Zoc lamented.

"Huh? The wrong potion? Wait... that means..." Lucas thought for a bit.

"Rokai, please forgive us. I am the reason for your sister's growth spurt. Our ants were intending to send pills full of the liquid I used before on your hear, so your sister was planned to shrink and get kidnapped to the colony like you months ago" Zoc explained.

"But I sabotaged the plan. I'm also so sorry..." Hova added.

"Me too. This all happen for my obsession of getting revenge on humans" Zoc put a sad face. Lucas snapped his fingers.

"It makes sense now... that's why Tiffany grew big with her diet soda. Please tell me you guys have an antidote!" Lucas shouted.

"We do. Our top scientists have already developed a counteragent that will allow your sister to return to her normal size" Zoc said.

"There's a pretty big catch, however" Queen said.

"Because of how big Tiffany will undoubtedly have grown by now, her skin would be much too heavy to pierce through and administer the antidote directly, so we had to embed it into a food item that we feel suits her taste buds based on what you've told us about her" Hova said.

"Okay, bring it up!!!" Zoc shouted into the anthill. Lucas and the three ants waited for about 30 seconds until suddenly what appeared to be a chocolate chip came out. Lucas immediately picked it up from the anthill opening.

"A chocolate chip?" Lucas asked.

"We hope that's satisfactory. It's really the only thing we could fit out of that anthill" Zoc said.

The Ant Bully - Wrath Of The Gigantic Queen TiffanyWhere stories live. Discover now