you have an anxiety attack while performing - aespa fifth member (requested)

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You gazed out at the crowd of fans in the arena as you and the girls performed.

Tonight is the very first night of the tour and you're beyond excited to perform for all the fans who always show up to support you and the members.

The show opened with girls and now, you're three songs in, the five of you currently in the middle of performing iconic.

The fans are screaming at the top of their lungs as the five of you sing, rap, and dance while pouring your hearts out on stage.

However, you were using your smile to mask your anxiety which was beginning to worsen.

Although you love what you do and wouldn't trade it for the world, you're still so stunned by how many people are here and a little intimidated by all the eyes on the five of you.

You tried not to let it show.

The last thing you want is to ruin the show or let the fans down in any way shape or form.

However, your heart was starting to pound more so than it usually does when you perform as the anxiety rushed through your veins.

You took a few deep breaths but they were shaky due to how insanely anxious you were feeling.

Seeing that you were a little out of it, Giselle reached over to rub your shoulder while Winter sang.

Pulling her mic away from her lips so no one else would hear, she looked at you in concern.

"Are you okay?"

You shook your head.

"I feel anxious." You whispered.

"Can I do anything to help?" She asked.

You shrugged your shoulders and continued to try and hide your anxiety.

But it was getting more intense and you just couldn't take it.

As the song came to an end, the fans cheered and the lights went down.

Tapping Karina on the arm, Giselle gently took your hand as she told her,

"Talk to the fans for a few, all three of you. Y/N is having an anxiety attack and I don't want her to have it on stage for everyone to see and share."

The girls nodded as Giselle pulled you backstage just as the lights came back up.

"Hello, everyone! Who's having fun so far tonight?" Karina asked and the fans cheered.

Giselle led you backstage to the dressing room before she took your hands into hers.

"We have a show to do. We have to go back out there." You said in between shaky breaths.

"Don't worry about that right now. Don't worry about anything." Giselle said softly. "Just try to calm down, take some deep breaths."

"I'm sorry." You mumbled. "I was just shocked by the amount of fans that were here. It's the first night of the tour. It's just a lot."

"I understand." She said as she brushed her fingers across your palms. "It's okay though. Everyone is just here to have fun. They're our fans. No one is here to judge or ridicule us. They're just here because they adore us and they want to have a good time."

You nodded and continued to try and take some deep breaths as your heart kept racing.

"Just focus on me. Don't worry about anything else. I'm here for you. I'm right here." She said calmly. "Try to breathe for me. You're okay, everything is okay."

"Okay." You mumbled before trying to focus on getting through the intense anxiety attack.

"Good girl, good job. Breathe." Giselle softly said. "You're doing good. I know it's awful but it'll be over soon."

You kept your eyes locked with hers and took some deep breaths with her as the anxiety attack reached its worst point.

You were trembling and you could barely breathe and all she wanted was to hold you close.

"I'm so proud of you. You're doing great." She spoke as a smile, encouraging smile appeared on her face. "I've got you. You're doing amazing."

It took a few more minutes for the anxiety attack to fade even slightly but once it did, you let out a shaky breath and leaned against Giselle.

"Good job." She whispered as she wrapped you in her arms. "It's alright."

You closed your eyes as it faded away slowly but surely and when you pulled back to stare at her, she put her forehead on yours.


"Yeah. Thank you for being here for me." You said.

"It's no problem. I'll always be here for you." She smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "Are you ready to go back out there?"


"Okay." She said and took your hand as you walked out of the dressing room and back to the stage, ready to do the rest of the show.

As long as you have your members, you'll be okay, no matter what.

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