she forgets your birthday - part two (requested)

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Giselle was surprised when she entered the studio to find that no one else was there.

Thinking that the girls might just be running late, she took a seat and scrolled through her phone for a few minutes until she grew bored of waiting for them.

She tapped on NingNing's contact and pressed her phone against her ear and when her friend answered, she seemed quite cheerful.

"Hey, Giselle!"

"Hey. Are you all coming to the studio? I've been waiting."

"What? No." NingNing laughed. "Why would we go to the studio today?"

"Because we had commitments to do so?" Giselle said as she began to grow a little confused.

"No, that's tomorrow. We wouldn't schedule anything like that on your girlfriend's birthday."

"What?" Giselle asked as that one word left NingNing's lips.

"By the way, tell Y/N that we say happy birthday and that we hope she has the best day!"

NingNing ended the call a few seconds later and Giselle shook her head as she gazed at her lock screen of you and her.

"It can't be." She mumbled as she looked at the date.

It was your birthday.

"Oh, god," She said before she got up and hurried out of the studio.

She rushed home as quickly as possible and when she walked inside, she could hear you sniffling from the bedroom.

"Baby," She said in sadness as she stared at you sitting on the bed with the pillow against your chest.

Her heart shattered upon seeing you so heartbroken and she knew that it was all because of her.

"I'm so sorry." She said as she came over to you. "I didn't mean to forget your birthday."

"Aren't you supposed to be in the studio? Don't you have other commitments?"

"No. My only commitment is being with my girl today to celebrate her special day." She said with a smile.

"It's okay if you'd rather be somewhere else. It's not that special."

"Don't say that. It is so special. Come here." She said as she pulled you into her arms. "I didn't mean to forget your birthday and I am truly sorry that I did."

She let out a sad sigh as she caressed your arms with the tips of her fingers.

"I must be the worst girlfriend ever."

"You're not, Giselle." You spoke as you looked into her eyes. "It just hurt because you're the only one I want to spend my day with. I don't care about anything else. I just want to celebrate with you."

"I'm here now. Can we still celebrate?"

You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips.


"I promise, im never going to forget your birthday again, or anything else for that matter. And im going to make today so special. It's going to be the best birthday of your life!"

"It already is. Because I have you here with me."

Her heart swelled at that before she pulled you in for a sweet kiss.

"Happy birthday, my girl. I hope all of your dreams come true." She said as she wrapped her arms around you and squeezed you tight. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You grinned.

"Now, go get ready. Because we are going to have the best day ever. I have so much planned!"

You pecked her lips before getting out of bed to get ready, so excited to see what she had up her sleeve.

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