she forgets your birthday (requested)

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"Giselle?" You sleepily mumbled as you awoke to her kissing your forehead softly. "What time is it?"

"Almost eight am." She said and you  sat up against the pillows as you did your best to adjust to the bright sunshine coming inside through the curtains.

At first, you weren't all that thrilled about waking up so early.

But then you remembered what today was and you thought that Giselle waking you up so early meant that she had something exciting in store.

"Good morning, my love." She grinned and kissed the corners of your lips. "It's a very special day today."

You bit your lip to hold back a smile that would be bigger than hers, due to the utter happiness you were feeling.

"It's not that special." You shrugged.

The look of disbelief on her face at your words wasn't unexpected.

Your birthday is extremely important to her and she doesn't like anyone trying to downplay what is a big, special day in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "Baby, it is. It's a very special day!"

Your eyes lit up as you looked back into her sparkly ones.

"It's the day the girls and I begin recording a few songs for a comeback in a couple of months!"

Your smile faded and you expected her to laugh and tell you that it was some sort of joke.

But she didn't laugh. She looked serious.s

"I just wanted to wake you up so I could give you a kiss before I head out for the day." She explained before kissing your lips and when she pulled away a few seconds, she got up and walked downstairs.

Quickly, in confusion, you followed behind her.

"Wait, seriously?"

You followed her into the kitchen, where she grabbed a bottle of cold water before closing the fridge door and gazing at you, looking just as confused as you felt.

But your confusion was fading fast and becoming replaced with a look of complete disappointment.

You couldn't deny how much it hurt to know she forgot what she claimed to be such an important day to her.

"But... you can't go."

"What? Why? Babe, I have to." She said with a slight chuckle. "What is going on with you this morning?"

"Nothing. It's just... today was supposed to be my day with you."

"I don't see why I'd tell you such a thing when I know I have commitments." She said.

"But your commitment was supposed to be here with me today."

"For what?" She wondered and you knew by the look in her eyes that she wasn't pretending to forget, she genuinely had no idea what you were going on about.

"No reason." You said. "You know what? Never mind, it's stupid, anyway."

"Okay, baby. If you're sure." She said before kissing your cheek. "I love you. Have a great day!"

She grabbed her things before walking out the door.

A great day.

You wouldn't be having one of those, that much was certain.

Because you don't consider your birthday to be special or important, but she does and with the promise she made to spend the day with you being broken now, you felt sad and lonely and knew that today was going to be anything but great.

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