I'm here for you (requested)

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"I was thinking about ordering your favorite tonight. You haven't been eating well these last few days so I thought you might like that." Giselle said as she laid down beside you again after returning from the bathroom,  hoping her idea would bring you even a tiny bit of happiness.

She was met with silence as she stared at you in worry. Your back is facing her, the only thing she hears from you is the steady breaths falling from your lips.

She licked her lips as she tried to think of what else to say. She was trying so hard to start some sort of conversation, to get you to open up. But it wasn't easy.

You haven't spoken much in the last few days, since... that night.

The news that your mother had passed away was almost more than you could take. You've fallen into a deep depression, bluer than Giselle has ever seen you before.

She doesn't know what to do or say to try to make it better. She can't put herself in your shoes. She can't say she understands how you feel or that she knows what you're going through because she doesn't.

"I love you." She whispered as she scooted closer, slowly wrapping her arms around you to hug you tight. "Very much. You know that, right?"

You just nodded slowly and she closed her eyes, her own emotions beginning to get the better of her.

"I know these last few days have been so hard on you. I know, if I were in your shoes, I'd be feeling just as down as you do. That's why I want to know if I can do anything to help? Anything at all?"

You just shook your head wordlessly and she bit her lip, sighing sadly.

"Okay. Can you turn around? So I can see your face? Just for a minute, my love."

It took you a moment, but you slowly rolled over to face her.

She cupped your cheek in her hand and sent you a sad smile before she began to brush her thumb across your soft skin.

"You can talk to me. I know I can't relate to what you're feeling. But I can listen. I'm always so happy to listen, whenever you need to talk and whatever it is that you need to talk about."

You didn't say anything. But you did lean into her touch, which brought her a little relief.

"I know how much you loved your mom. I know she loved you just as much."

You exhaled shakily and bit your lip, trying to stop it from trembling.

"I know she meant so much to you. She was like your best friend." She said with a small smile and you looked away from her eyes. "Hey," she whispered, gently tilting your chin back up.

Your eyes were full of tears, the hurt that you feel starting to show for the first time.

"Y/N," She whispered sadly before your tears began to fall.

"It hurts." You sniffled. "I don't know what to do without her."

Giselle swallowed the lump in her throat as she felt her heart begin to ache.

"I keep thinking about all the things that I might do in life that she won't be there for. Things like us getting married, seeing me live out my dreams with whatever path I choose to take in life. She would've been there through it all; the good and the bad. She always was."

Giselle just nodded as she continued to hold you as you fell apart.

"I wish I could hug her one more time. I wish I could talk to her. I wish I could hear her voice, hear her say that she loves me, and tell her that I love her. I wish she knew that."

"Baby, she does," Giselle whispered as she wiped away your tears. "I know, for a fact, that she's looking down on you right now. She knows that you love her. She always knew that."

"You think so?" You asked, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Oh, I know so. Every time I talked to her, she always told me how proud of you she was. She was so proud of the person that you're becoming."

"She loved you." You smiled through your tears.

"She was incredible. We got close before she passed. She treated me like she'd known me forever."

"She was so supportive of me and of us."

Giselle started to tear up a little herself, finding herself thinking about the kindness and love your mom had always shown her; from the very first day you brought her around to your family and to the very last one.

"I don't think the pain will ever go away." You mumbled.

"I think, with a little time, your heart will hurt a little less each day. I think, for now, you need to grieve. I think you need to cry and stop bottling up all of your feelings; all the wishes and hopes you thought your mom would be able to see and support you through. I know you're in a lot of pain, mentally and emotionally. I know your heart is hurting so very much and I know your mom would want you to let that out."

You closed your eyes, your cries turning into sobs.

Giselle pulled you closer and let you bury your face in her chest.

"It's going to be okay. I can imagine it feels like it never will, but it will. Give it some time, my love, and you won't hurt when you look back at the moments you shared with her. It won't hurt when you think about the little things. It will get easier with time." She promised as she kissed your head.

"Until that day comes, you can count on me. You can let the tears fall. You can cry. You can completely fall apart and I will be right here to hold you through every second of it. I love you. I'll never stop reminding you of that. I will never stop telling you that your mom is still here with you, right there in that big beautiful heart of yours. She won't ever fade away."

"Thank you." You cried and held onto her.

"It's what I'm here for, sweet girl. I'm here for you and I always will be. I promise you that."

She kissed your forehead and rubbed your back, letting you cry against her while she let a couple of tears fall from her eyes, too.

It would take some time for things to feel okay, probably a lot of time.

But, through every single second of it, Giselle will be right there with you, and she won't dare let you go; not even for a moment.

Giselle Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now