Chapter 5

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Kailiah's POV
"You too. Thank you again."

"You're welcome. What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you Sharon."

I put my hand out.

"I'm Kaililah."

She shook my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Bye! Thank you!"

I walked into the bathroom so I could make sure my hair and jewelry were okay. I saw some girls walk in. They were talking about Matthew.

"He's so fucking hot."

"I know! I'd do anything to hook up with him!"


"Are you guys seriously talking about hooking up with him think....he's hot?"


"That's exactly what we're doing."

"You shouldn't go after someone just because of their looks. You should go after someone for the person they are."

"But he's our type."

"And? He's my type too but do you see me planning on hooking up with him because he's hot?"

"You're stupid if you don't. Look at you. He could easily fuck you."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?"

"Depends on how you take it."

Another girl walked out of a bathroom stall. She walked up to the sink that's right next to me. She started washing her hands.

I'm not even gonna mention him kissing me.

That won't help this situation.

I fixed my shirt then backed away from the sink.

"Are you implying something?"

"Am I implying what?"

"That you think you're his type."

I threw my hands up.

"No. I'm not saying that. I'm aware that...I'm not his type. Trust me. I am. He can have anyone that he wants. Why would he even want me?"

"Who the fuck are you anyway?"

I crossed my arms.

"You must not follow Beatrix since you don't know me. Are you only here for Matthew?"


"Beatrix is my cousin. You're in our hometown."

Their jaws dropped and their eyes widened.

"Ha-have you met him?!"

"Is he hotter when he's closer to you?!"

"Why does any of that matter? Listen...I should head out before my cousin gets worried."

I walked away from the girls.

"Excuse me?"


I looked over my shoulder and saw a girl. She looked around Beatrix's age. I noticed it was his sister.

"I've never heard someone defend Matt like that."

"It's just the truth. You're his sister right?"

"Yeah. I'm Deana. You must be Kailiah. Is it so nice to meet you. We've heard so much about you."

"It's nice to meet you too. I noticed you in VIP. I just didn't want to bother you."

"No no! Bother me! Please!"

We started walking back to the VIP section.

"So how old are you?"

"17. Matt is only like 3 months older than me. You?"

"20. I needed to get outta my house for a bit so Matty offered to bring me here."

"Aww that's sweet."

"Why do you think you're not his type?"

"I just do. There's all these girls that he can easily get."

"Girl, have you seen yourself?"


"I'm straight but you're hot!"

"Thank you but I'm really not."

"You are though!"

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