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Lilith POV

first thing lilith felt when she woke up was pain. She was starving. It felt like she was being gutted from the inside out all over again. Just like the night she had gotten bit and turned into...whatever it was she is now.

Screams were released out of lilith, the pain was absolutely paralyzing. Lilith didn't cry anymore, she had almost come to terms with her appearance but the second she was reminded of the hunger and the only thing that could satisfy it she wanted to cry. She wanted to bawl but nothing came out anymore. Just screams.

Lilith was in so much pain she didn't even notice the situation she was in now. all that was going through her mind was hunger. she wasn't even herself in that moment. it was like she was in auto pilot. Lilith was chained by the neck to a wall. The room was disgusting, blood stains covered the floor, there was no window it would almost be complete darkness if it wasn't for a small lamp in the corner of the room.

there was a loud creak and a door slam.

Lilith sensed someone else was in the room she was in and she screamed even more. Hunger completely taking over all control she had over herself

"woahhh now calm down" the voice of the man who took her spoke

"we have to do some tests on you, unfortunately they have to be done while you're hungry" he said, pacing the room as lilith yelled and screamed at him

the man pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at lilith. He pulled the trigger and emptied a whole round on her.

There was a pause

lilith began screaming and yelling again, the bullets had bounced right off of her. The man nodded before taking out a piece of bread. He threw the bread at her

Lilith grabbed it and almost shoved it down her throat. before possible, a disgusted look appeared on her face and she threw it up.

The look in the man's eyes changed as he realized that even though she smelled of human, she was not. She was one of them.

The man left the room, locking the steel door behind him. Leaving lilith in there alone again.

It was torture. They were starving her. wherever she was.

A couple hours had passed before the man entered back into the room and threw a person onto the ground. The person was dead already, lilith lunged at it and dug her fangs right into the body. She sucked in every last drop, satisfying her hunger. As soon as she was done the pain had stopped and she regained control over herself.

She looked down at the person she had just killed, or so she thought until she saw the bullet hole in the skull of the body. In a way, it made her feel a bit better about what she had done to it.

"now" the man interrupted "eat this"

he handed her another piece of bread. Lilith hesitated

"no" she spoke

the man chucked "she speaks!"

"eat it." he repeated, more sternly

lilith shook her head no and backed herself into a corner of the room. She placed her hands around the collar that had chained her to the wall. it hurt, bad. she attempted at clawing it off but it wouldn't work. it was metal.

the man walked up to her and put a knife to her throat. "eat. it." he said more slowly

Lilith refused again. not because she didn't want to, but because he had kidnapped her. She was taken away from a bad situation and placed into an even worse one. She was not going to give him what he wanted.

The man moved the knife to her thigh and sliced it, deep. Lilith let out a scream and placed her hand there, holding it to try and stop the bleeding. She looked up at him with horrified eyes and picked up the bread. She ate it, swallowed it, and turned her head down to look at the floor

what exactly was he doing by making her do that.

The man backed away from her
"When you're hungry, food tastes absolutely horrible. Then you feed, blood makes you feel better and then you eat human food again. And it's all normal. Is that right?" he questioned.

Lilith nodded her head up and down.


"why?" lilith whispered

"why?" the man repeated
"it seems my brother tried killing you , and instead of dying you turned into one of us."

he paused

"that's never happened before. i had to be sure. we had to be sure."

there was silence
"silas is your brother?"

the man nodded, still standing there looking at lilith. She looked up at him and it was then she realized his hair wasn't shorter, it was just in a bun. Because now his hair was long. Sort of the length of silas hair. except white.

"i've never seen another vampire with white hair besides myself" he said

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"i've never seen another vampire with white hair besides myself" he said

"which means there's something about you. white signifies death, You know how silas hair is black right?"

lilith nodded

"when my brother gets hungry, or starved, it turns white. Happens to all of our breed. Except for me. And you."

there was silence. Lilith was confused. Beyond that.

The man thought for a moment before speaking again

"Why were you with my brother?"

"he took me away from my life." lilith muttered

"he ruined my life and took me far away"

the man sighed "you can't live a normal life anymore. However, thanks you to, we lured my brother into coming home."

"unfortunately for you, you're not leaving this cell. Ever. And if you did" he laughed "i'd have to kill you"

And with that the man left. Leaving lilith tied up there.

For the next 5 days lilith was in complete isolation, and actively bleeding out through the gash on her thigh. No one came in or out. She was stuck sitting there in the corner of that musty small room, chained by the neck to a wall like some animal. As if, not even two/ three weeks ago she was living a normal life. Partying, working, on track to live out the life she wanted.

what's my life going to look like now? Will i be chained here forever? will i get out? if i get out where will i go? home? i can't. I can't live how i used to anymore. What do i do. what do i do

"Please kill me" she spoke, but no one heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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