Adapting part 2

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Lilith POV—- TW!!!

Lilith opened her eyes painfully and felt paralyzed. She felt as if she was glued to her bed.
Lilith used all the strength she had to sit herself up. Her neck was sore of course, and she decided as soon as she woke up that she would refused to kill another person. There had to be another way. She was still human after all right? Not only that but if she were to kill another person she would get caught since she didn't cover her tracks the previous time.

Lilith rubbed her eyes with her hands but instantly felt something was different. She held her hands out infront of her and was star struck at what she saw. As if it wasn't bad enough that her entire head of hair turned snow white, and her eyes turned red, Now her finger nails had grown in length and turned into long pointy claws.

"what the actual fuck is happening to me" she uttered

Lilith sat there, just staring at her hands. Her whole entire appearance had changed. She no longer looked like herself, how was she supposed to return to her normal life style? she sure as hell didn't know.

Lilith stood up and wobbled into her bathroom, flicking the light switch on. She stared into the mirror again at her appearance. She still wasn't used to it. Just a few days ago she was looking into the mirror while a smile on her face because life was going according to plan. But now she stood there staring at herself in horror not knowing what was going to happen next. Her entire future had changed.

Out of nowhere she felt a surge of nausea and turned herself to the toilet. She fell to her knees and started throwing up. This wasnt normal throw up though, she was heaving up blood. pure blood. It looked as if she was throwing her organs up. Like she was rotting from the inside out.

"what the fuck!" she screamed

she let out a few desperate cries

"i cant take this any longer" lilith groaned.

The pain was enough to corrupt her whole mind.

Lilith was numb by this point. Her entire identity had changed and she didn't know why, she had killed a men in the span of a few days aswell. Her life was spiraling out of control.

Lilith decided there was only one thing she could do. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen and plunged it into her stomach.

nothing happened.

No blood, no pain. She soon realized why. The knife she had just tried to plunge into her stomach had broken once it hit her skin.

"what..." she whispered to herself, looking at the broken knife blade on the floor. To test her theory, she grabbed another and dried dragging it across her skin. No mark, no blood.

Her theory was correct. She could not be harmed. Was this a blessing or a curse? she didn't know but she was even more horrified and disgusted with herself. She had just tried to end everything and she couldn't even manage to do that. Which meant she had to live like this.

"Please i can't. i can't live like this" she pleaded

"someone please i don't want to be here any longer, i don't recognize myself. im in agony" she sobbed

No one was there to hear her.

Her thoughts were killing her inside and she needed a distraction. A distraction away from the thought of wanting her life to end.

the first thing that popped up into her head was claire's name.

Lilith dialed up claire's number and called her.

-ring ring-

"hello?" claire answered

"i'm so sorry for how i acted...i'm not feeling well and i'm having a rough uh.. time." lilith apologized and tried to explain

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