The Night everyhing changed.

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Lilith POV
Lilith walked out the doors of the bar, and was instantly exposed to the cold night air. She closed her eyes as the wind blew against her face, embracing it all. She took the moment in before opening her eyes and continued walking.

Lilith thought she was walking home, however her sense of direction was insanely messed up due to her being heavily under the influence. With each step she took, she swayed. Her vision was blurring everything together.

she found herself wandering through a dark alleyway at around midnight. The brick walls surrounding her, no street light in sight. Lilith traced her hands on the cold brick wall to keep her steady and from falling over. She kept walking like that until her face was abruptly met with cloth.

She tilted her head up slowly, only to see a male she had never seen before. His eyes were a piercing red and his skin a sickly pale color. Even in the night, she could see his long black hair. He was unlike anyone she's ever seen before. His presence made her severely uncomfortable. What confused her the most was his eyes. No one was even known to have red eyes, not unless they weren't human. However, Lilith never believed in anything of those sorts, it was just a town myth.

she tried to form words but all she could say was slurred.
"excuse me" She managed to make out, before trying to walk around him.

She did not succeed in walking around him though, all she took was a couple steps before he blocked her path. Lilith took a deep breath

"excuse me" she repeated. Her eyes fluttering trying to stay alert.  The next thing she saw was flash infront of her eyes, and a sharp debilitating pain in her neck.

The sudden rush of pain was too much for her to bear. she could feel the life being quite literally sucked out of her and with that she let out a terrorizing scream.

So many thoughts were racing through her head as she stood there paralyzed with fear, letting this man do whatever he was doing. The main thought however racing through her head was...

"did he...bite me?!"

Liliths eyes began to swell with tears, she didn't even notice she was crying but she was quite literally sobbing.

Her body dropped to the floor in an instant, the impact knocking the wind out of her. she laid there near death, her vision blurry as she watched that man walk away, leaving her there to die. He walked away without a care in the world. disposing of her like she was the wrapper of a candy bar.

Liliths flight or fight instincts kicked in, and she used all the energy and strength she had left to lift herself up off the floor. she leaned most her body weight into the wall, and inched her way to her apartment which she now knew the way to.

As she walked she had one hand on her neck as an attempt to stop the bleeding. She was gagging and choking trying to breathe. Her other hand was on the wall. Eventually after what felt like hours lilith made it to her apartment door. She unlocked it and collapsed inside, the door slamming shut behind her.

She truly did not know what to do.

Many things were racing through her head. Do i call the cops? an ambulance? no they wouldn't believe my story. they'd call me crazy. they'd send me back to the orphanage.

Lilith knew she couldn't call a single soul to help her. Her cries bounced off the walls of her tiny apartment room.

Her adrenaline was nearly gone, and she felt the pain more than ever now. Not only did she feel pain, her body felt as if it was failing. Her head felt like it was going to explode, Her stomach seemed as if it was deteriorating inside of her, her lungs collapsing.

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