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Lilith POV
What awoke her was an intense ringing which lilith soon found out was her phone. She sat up out of bed and grabbed her mini backpack that contained all her belongings.

Lilith sorted through her belongings and pulled her phone out, she stared at the contact calling her. It was claire. She swiped the answer button.

"hello?!" claire immediately spoke on the other line, her tone concerned.

"hi?" lilith sputtered weakly

"what the fuck lilith, where have you been?"

"what do you mean?"
lilith was confused, where have i been? i went home after the bar last night, right?
Then it hit her.
The horrors that happened the night of the party. It all came rushing back to her. Lilith looked down at herself and her eyes were met with dried blood covering her, aswell as in numerous spots in her apartment.

"Lilith you've been MIA ever since the night of the party. I thought you got kidnapped!!" she said in an argent tone.

lilith shook her head "no? i texted you i was going home and i went home. The party was last night what are you talking about?"

there was silence for a moment before claire spoke again

"is everything okay? Lilith a day has passed since the night of the party."

lilith let out a small and quiet gasp. It must have happened when she blacked out. But in order for the to be true...that must mean she was bleeding out in her apartment all day.
How was she not dead?

then another thought hit her.
am i dead?

"im okay, i have to go. we'll talk later" and with that lilith hung up on claire.

Lilith stood up and walked to the bathroom, slowly turning on the bathroom light, hesitating to look at her reflection as she was scared to see how she looked.

She flipped the switch on and stared into the mirror.

Her eyes widened and she let out a scream, instantly covering her mouth in absolute horror.

What she saw in her reflection was not her. Lilith had white hair with blood stains in it, her skin tone made her look dead, Almost like a corpse.  Her eyes, what used to be a beautiful bright green were now a dark sickening red.

Lilith stood there, shell shocked. Not being able to comprehend or believe what she was seeing.

this can't be real this can't be real

She shifted her gaze to body. Almost every inch was covered in blood. The blood of her, and the man she killed. The man she bit.

What i did to that man is no different than what happened to me.. why am i alive.

Lilith stripped herself of her clothes, and got into the shower. She sat down in the shower and curled up into a ball, sobbing into herself.
She sat there for atleast an hour, the shower still running and her still sobbing.

Once she stopped crying, she stood up and washed herself off. She scrubbed all the blood off of her body and washed all the blood out of her hair.

when she got out she dried herself off with a towel and stood infront of the mirror once again staring at herself. She still looked the same. which meant this was real. it wasn't a dream.

She moved the hair on the right side away from her neck. There, on her neck was a clear bite mark. It was going to scar and stay there forever.

"i have to hide that-" lilith whispered to herself. She sorted through all her bathroom drawers until she found gauze and bandage wrap. she tilted her head to the opposite side and set the gauze onto the wound. She held it there while she wrapped her whole entire neck with bandage wrap. Once fully wrapped she used her hair to try and hide it, but since it was wrapped around her whole neck that concept was impossible to achieve.

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