With a sudden burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, my hand reaching out to grab Mirko's leg mid-kick. With a swift motion, I twisted her off balance, sending her crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

But even as Mirko lay sprawled on the ground, I couldn't shake the feeling of awe that her strength and determination had inspired within me. In that moment, as we faced off against each other in the heat of battle, I couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for the hero before me.

As Mirko lay sprawled on the ground, I couldn't resist the urge to reach out and run my hands over the powerful muscles of her legs. They were like steel beneath my touch, a testament to the countless hours of training and dedication she had put into honing her abilities.

Me:I don't mean to ask

I began, my voice filled with genuine curiosity,

Me:but did your quirk give you rabbit-like powers, or did it turn part of your DNA into that of a rabbit? And also, do you eat carrots a lot? Do you poop out pellets too?

(I don't need sleep I need answers)

The questions spilled out of me in a rush, fueled by a childlike wonder and fascination with the hero before me.

Mirko's cheeks flushed crimson as she stared up at me, a mixture of surprise and amusement dancing in her eyes.

Mirko:Uh, well, my quirk does enhance my physical abilities, including my speed and agility

she replied, her voice slightly hesitant as she tried to process my barrage of inquiries.

Mirko:And no, I don't eat carrots all the time, but I do enjoy them occasionally. And as for the other question...

She trailed off, clearly unsure how to respond to my rather unconventional line of questioning.

Despite her embarrassment, Mirko couldn't help but chuckle at my innocent curiosity well that isn't innocent

Me:You certainly ask some interesting questions, Kai

she said with a smile, reaching up to tousle my hair affectionately.

Me:But let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? We've got a battle to finish.

With a nod, I tore my gaze away from Mirko's legs, my mind refocusing on the battle unfolding around us. As we prepared to resume our fight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the hero before me, her strength and determination serving as an inspiration to us all.


It smashed right at her abdomen sending her flying

As Mirko lay sprawled on the ground, I turned my attention to the other heroes surrounding me. The battle had taken its toll on them, leaving them battered and bruised, but they refused to back down. With a smirk, I readied myself for the next round of battle.

However, before they could launch another assault, they suddenly found themselves enveloped in a blinding light. When the light faded, they realized they were no longer in the warehouse but back at Union Academy, where they had initially confronted me.

Nezu and Ozpin stood before them, their expressions grim as they assessed the situation. It seemed my display of power had caught their attention, prompting them to take action.

Nezu:Now's our chance

Nezu muttered to Ozpin, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Nezu:We must contain him before he causes any more damage.

another union academy: From Weakest To Strongest Where stories live. Discover now