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Me and Milan have met up 5 times now, things have been getting more and more serious the more we meet

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Me and Milan have met up 5 times now, things have been getting more and more serious the more we meet. I like him, a lot. And I know he likes me, unless I'm reading this wrong and he doesn't like me. I could be, but I'm not one to overthink things like this. So I won't. It doesn't matter anyways, I'll make him mine one way or another.

Anyways, I'm currently getting dressed for this mission we have to go on. Damn Italians have been trying to fuck with my shipments, and I don't take kindly to people fucking with what's mine.

I put on my black cargos and my form fitting black shirt along with some combat boots. I strap on all my knives and get ready to go.

Her knives:

I head out of my room once I make sure everything is in place and go downstairs

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I head out of my room once I make sure everything is in place and go downstairs. As I'm walking to the door, Val comes up beside me. I glance to him and then back to where I'm walking, "talk" he gets the memo and starts speaking. "There are two cars at the docks waiting to intercept the Italians and keep them busy until we get there." I nod my head and hold out my hand, waiting on him to hand me my Hannya Oni mask, my most prized possession after my Keonigsegg.

The mask has a very intricate design, and it's definitely one of a kind. Some people like to call me "le tueur d'oni" which means "the oni killer" in French. Not very creative if you ask me but I guess that's all they know about me other than the fact that I'm the Donna of the French and that my eyes are two different colors. Whatever. I put the mask on and walk out the door, heading to my garage to pick a car.

We don't have enough time to play bubble gum with the damn cars so I just grab a key and get in one. Val and Armani coming in after me. Once we all get settled, I speed out the driveway and onto the road.

30 minutes later, I finally make it to the docks. The first thing I see is both sides with their guns up, not even noticing me. We get out of the car and walk to the middle of the circle they've somehow managed to form. I stare at the Italians leader, Gianni, and smile. "So, Gianni, why were you trying to fuck with my shit?I thought we were cool and you decide to double cross me? You know I don't take kindly to traitors." I spit, anger lacing my voice and my accent heavy.

He chuckles, "long time no see old friend, I'm sorry about this but you got something I need, and I tend to always go for what I want, doll." My eye twitches at the pet name and I hold my hand out behind my back, immediately a gun is placed in it. I walk up to him slowly and hold the gun up to his head, "it was nice knowing you homme, but this is goodbye" and I pull the trigger.

Instantly, his soldiers guns are faced towards me, I laugh and start walking away. There's a loud ring that pulls everyone's attention away from me, I look over and see the one person I don't want to see at this moment. Milan looks at me in fear, afraid of what I might do to him now that he's been caught. I narrow my eyes at him and go to speak when I hear a gun cock. Out of the corner of my eye I see a gun pointed at him.

I act before I think and start running towards him. I push him out the way just when the gun goes off. And then, I feel blood gushing out of my back. I was hit. I hear more gunshots going off but my focus is on Milan, I look over his body to make sure he's okay and once I find that everything is fine I lay down on my stomach. This shit hurts like hell, but nothing I haven't experienced before. I look over at the chaos and realize that all the Italians have been taken down.

I smile a little but it's gone just as quick as it came when a sharp pain goes through my back. The fuck? My vision blurs and I feel my body getting weaker. I've been poisoned. I call out to my brother and he comes rushing towards me. "Putain d'idiot(fucking idiot), why'd you have to go and save a stranger? The fuck were you thinking Valentin?"

I grab onto his shirt and look him in the eyes. "They tried to hurt what was mines, and I don't take lightly to that." My voice is weak, I'm not even sure he heard me until I see his brows shoot up and he looks over at Milan. He looks back at me and mumbles "we'll talk about this later. Come on kid, you're coming with us because if my sister dies, you're going down with her."

Milan's eyes widen and he nods. He looks down at me and there's recognition swimming in his eyes, fuck. My vision gets even blurrier and there are dark spots clouding my sight. The last thing I hear is "I'm sorry Val" and then I'm out.



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