Those green eyes

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I slit the last man's throat and wipe the blood off of my face

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I slit the last man's throat and wipe the blood off of my face. I'm tired of having to do all the dirty work. Why do I hire assassins if they're going to be useless imbeciles. I pick up my knives and start heading out of the building and to my car.

While driving to my warehouse, I get a call. It's Armani, the fuck does he want? I pick up the phone and immediately pull it away from my ear as he starts screaming. "VALENTIN WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, THE TRAINEES HAVE BROKEN OUT INTO YET ANOTHER FIGHT" I sigh. Seems like I have to do everything myself. I tell him I'll be home soon and hang up the phone. I start speeding to the main base. Once I reach there, the guards immediately let me in.

I get out the car and am walking into the building. Valentino, my twin brother and second in command, starts walking by my side. "What happened" I sigh, walking towards the training grounds. Valentino runs his fingers through his hair and rolls his eyes at my dry greeting, "it's the same two again, they can't get along for shit and I think you've given them enough warnings. And hi to you too sis." I sigh again, he's right. If they won't respect me as their Donna I need to put a little fear in them. Maybe then they'll get their shit together.

We finally make our way into the training grounds and sure enough we see the two tangled up together throwing punches. I walk down the steps and towards them. I bend down and pull them apart."Haven't I told the two of you to get it together and stop fighting? I won't say it again."

The blonde boy, Mario I think his name is, rolls his eyes and pushes me off him, "It's not like you're going to do anything. You're a shit excuse for a boss." In a split second I'm behind him with my knife to his throat, "roll your eyes at me again and I'll carve them out. And watch how you speak to me or your tongue will be next. Got it?" He starts to stutter "y-yes Don-n-na" I push him away from me and look at the other kid, Hayes. I point my knife to him, "you got something to say?" He puts his hands up in surrender and shakes his head "no donna" i nod and put the knife down and back where it came from.

"I expect this room to be cleaned properly by the time I get back" I look at the two boys before walking off. Valentino follows behind me, along with Armani, who I didn't even realize was in the room. "Val, where are you going?" Armani puts his arm around my neck. I push his arm off and roll my eyes "I have some business to take care of at the office." "Can I come?" Both of them ask at the same time." I give them a sharp no and slam the front door in their face. I get sick of those two, always in my business.

I walk to the garage and grab the keys to my motorcycle, my baby, I love this thing whole heartedly. I make it to my motorcycle and hop on and speed out of the garage. The guards quickly open the gates for me and then I'm off. I start heading towards my favorite cafe.

I get off my bike and head into the cafe. The bell rings above my head signaling a new customer. I walk up to the register and smile at the worker. "Val, hi! Wasn't expecting to see you here today." I laugh a little and shake my head, "Sylv, I'm here everyday." She gives me a big smile, "I know I'm just pulling your leg. Your usual?" I shake my head and walk towards my usual seat.

As I look outside waiting for my order, I hear the door ring. I look towards it and my breathe gets stuck in my throat. I see a beautiful boy standing at the entrance. He looks to be above 6'0 with toned arms, fluffy curls, and green eyes. He has headphones on that push his hair back and he's wearing the muscle shirt and sweats combo, like he just left the gym. God he's beautiful.

I guess he could feel me staring because his head snaps my way. He holds eye contact for a minute then looks away, his cheeks red. I smile a bit, he's adorable. It's a shame really, I can't make him mine. Not in my line of work. I'd hate to put such a pretty boy in danger.  So I avert my eyes and wait for Sylvia to come up with my order.


I make my way into my office at HQ. Some idiot mixed up all my papers so now I have to put them back in place. When I find out who did it, they'll surely be fired. Damn imbeciles.

Once I finish straightening my papers I get to work. Only to be rudely interrupted by my assistant. Who is very close to being fired might I add. She clears her throat and speaks "um ma'am, there's a kid here saying he put in an application and he's here for an interview." I sigh, putting my hand on my head. I look back up at her, "let him in." She goes out to the hallway to get the kid. When she comes back in, the first thing I see are those damn green eyes.



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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