I was kidnapped

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'The only way we can do this is by going back to them".

My eyes widened, I shook my head trying to see if I heard him right. Is his parents secret taking such a troll on him

"Did you lose your Mind , if so mentally or physically?" He just glared at me, but I was curious.

"Haha very funny " he smiled sarcastically but it was gone as fast as it came

"No am not joking Tyres am dead serious" I was so shocked my eyes grew twice there natural size.

"Daniel are you hearing yourself what are am going to tell them , where are you going , what will I tell them? " He smiled at how frantic and rushed my words were.

"Yes yes, listen you told me that you told him you saw a women going to commit suicide right, say you went to stop her and someone grabbed you, in other words u were kidnapped , I found you and rescued you. Act like you wasn't trying to escape and in case they wonder who kidnapped you I'll tell them that it was the Secret Mafia"

"Wait your parents are running the Secret Mafia your putting then in danger " he's really lost it, he looked at the for a few seconds then he looked back at me

"Their a Mafia right they should be able to protect themselves , and besides that they didn't tell me about what they actually did for years so this" he laughed "this is revenge" when since did he become a sucker for revenge.

"Are you sure about this Daniel? " His eyes darkened not in a cold way but in a determined way. "Positive"

"Okay now come at me , gotta make his look believe able on the eyes, Hope u could take some punches". I smirked

" Okay but don't cry when I pich back".I lunged at him swinging my fist .

After our fight session , I looked like I was really kidnapped hell even molested

"Let's go get your sister Ty " I smiled at him bit on the inside I was trembling, could I pull this off with messing up.

"Stop worrying Ty were gonna pull this off " I forced my face to look serious and emotionless "Me, am totally fine Danny

" It didn't work he gave me his infamous glare.

"You're trembling" his voice was cold but caring . His driving slowed and he looked at me "We're here".
We had found the location of this place through Tiana's phone.

"Tiana!, Tiana where are you sis please come back to me" I dropped to my knees crying. Danny and I planned this, this is how we're gonna get our way in the house. I looked at Danny, he was very good at acting, hovering over me he pretended to comfort me making sure to say loud enough

"She's gone Tyres those guys we ran into probably already killed her " so we changed the plan a little bit but it was for the best. I felt embarrassed doing this but I had to, Guards crowded us and Daniel started to panic pulling my hand he said

"Run Tyres lets go these ppl are probably working for them " I pulled my hand back stepping up the man I growled

"Where is my sister, where is Tiana?".

That good for nothing man walked out in all his dotishness and stupidity, the man who separated me from Tiana. He stopped in front of me

" Your the boy who got away huh?" Here goes nothing speak to him like your genuinely scared .

"I didn't run away that women was going to commit suicide so I stopped her when I was coming back someone grabbed me and through me in a van, I was kidnapped

" I paused a look of horror crossing my face the man behind had a gun , a fully loaded gun. Stick to the plan Tyres . Danny must if notices my struggle because he pushed off the men that was holding him and yelled

"Let me go I saved him " he then turned to the man I was standing in front of.

"Where is Tiana, did those guys catch up to guys yet ? , if they layed even one finger on her I'll kill them". Wow Daniel why don't audition for acting. Maybe I should tell him that sometime .
The man stared coldly , his voice was deep and Emotionless

" Who men, and what do you mean catch up to us?". I looked at Daniel and he looked at me, Bingo. We were in, for a Mafia Boss he was incredibly stupid.

There she was dressed in a maid's outfit . Her hair in a high ponytail with a grim expression on her face. She was pissed, her face said it all she looked like she was debating with someone like she was ready to place on her prey, despite that she still walked like she was running a fashion show. I couldn't hold back myself I walked to towards her and engulfed her in the tightest high I can musta . She took a second to realize before her hands was wrapped around me .

"Tyres! I missed you " she paused then grabbed my face a serious look on her face

"Where were you? " I could tell she was being dead serious but I couldn't tell her that lie and I couldn't tell her the truth here either. I looked at her

"I'll tell you everything I promise" I couldn't lie to my sister .

"You said something about men chasing us when u got here" I turned around and it was the voice of the man I least liked. Where is Danny he should be here since he sketched this plan.

"Yes men, from the mafia, the Secret Mafia " I didn't think he'll do it but he did.

"Come with me and further explain to me about this Secret Mafia, tell me who u saw and tell me what they said.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱 Where stories live. Discover now