Chapter Twelve

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Cody’s POV

After Adrian showed up out of the blue, we talked and he told me that he wanted me to go with him to visit our sister, Bianca for her birthday. She’s turning 21. We haven’t seen her since she was 19. She left, and got away from our abusive and toxic parents. I don’t blame her, I probably would have left the first chance I got too. She’s sent me cards on birthdays and holidays over the past few years. When she turned nineteen, she left for college in Middkin Heights. Before she left for college, she’d been taking online classes. Last I heard from her, she was still taking college classes.

The drive from Southaven to Middkin Heights is awkward and mostly silent, except for the radio. It was about a two hour drive, and we only had to stop twice. Once for gas, and another time for bathroom/snack break. When we reached the city limits, we passed a sign that read Welcome to Middkin Heights. After a few minutes of driving through the city, I ask Adrian, “Do you even know where to find her?”

“Um…not exactly.”

“What do you mean, not exactly?”

“I mean, not exactly.”

“You have no clue where she is, do you?”


“Oh, great. So what's the plan then? Huh? We're just gonna drive around the city. hoping to stumble past her?”

“I was hoping you might know. At least that you’d know where to start anyway.”

“Well I don’t- wait, maybe try Middkin University.”

“Okay. See I knew we’d figure something out.”

“Just go,” I told him.

When we get there, we go to the administration building. We walk inside and a lady sitting behind a desk greets us, “Hello, can I help you?”

“Hi. Yes, I was wondering if you could tell us where we can find our sister, Bianca Miller,” I say, politely.

“Of course, just a moment,” she says, before turning back to her computer screen and typing something. When she looks back at me she says, “Looks like she’s in Middkin-Law. Her next class is scheduled for 12:30 today. In Thornton Hall.”

“Okay. Thank you so much.”

It’s 11:56 when we find Thornton Hall. We decided to wait at the entrance to the building until she arrives. Many people pass us on their way to class, but none of them have been her. We waited and waited and I felt like giving up a few times but we stayed. It was 12:28 when we finally saw her. We spotted her before she saw us. She’s wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. Her hair is straight, and brown. She got sunglasses on and she is smoking a cigarette. She is standing a few feet away when she puts out her cigarette and looks toward the entrance. She’s looking at us and hesitates. “Hey, sis!” Adrian says, smiling.

She’s frozen in place and says nothing for a few minutes before saying, “Adrian? Cody? What are you guys doing here?”

“We wanted to come see you. Tell you happy birthday. Happy birthday by the way,” Adrian responds.

“I thought you were in prison.”

“I was, but I got out,” he says with a shrug.

Her face lights up with shock, “Did you break out?!” she whisper-shouts at him.

“What?! No! Of course, not,” he says, seemingly offended, “why does everyone always think that?”

“Maybe because that’s how you make it sound,” I told him, “also you’re you. It’s not that unbelievable.”

“He’s not wrong.” Bianca says with a laugh.

“Yeah. That’s fair.” Adrian says laughing with her.

I smile slightly at my two siblings. Laughing together for the first time in years. I listen and watch as they talk and laugh together. Bianca decided to skip class to catch up with us. We are now sitting in a coffee shop, and Bianca is currently telling us what she’s been up to these past few years. Adrian has already shared about his time in prison. When there is a sudden silence at our table, I look between my siblings and find that they are both looking at me. “What?”

They laugh. Bianca responds, smiling, “I asked, what you've been up to?”

“I work on a ranch now.”

“Really? Do you like it?”

“Yeah. I love it there.“

“Do you still have Bandit?”

“I do,” I smile.

“I would love to see him again, sometime.”

“I’m sure my boss, Julia, would be okay if you came to visit sometime.”

“I’d be happy to visit. I’ve missed you, guys.”

“I’ve missed you, too, B.” I say.

“Same, here, sis,” Adrian says.

“I’m glad you guys came,” she says, before looking at her phone, “we should definitely do this again.”

“Definitely,” me and Adrian say at the same time.

She takes a pen from her purse and begins writing on a napkin, “Here’s my number. Call or text me anytime.” She stands from the table and we follow. She gives us both a hug before saying, “I gotta go, but it really was lovely seeing you guys. Thank you.”

“Of course, sis. Happy birthday,” says Adrian.

“Happy birthday, B,” I say in response.

“Bye, guys,” she says as she walks toward the door.

“Bye,” we both called after her, waving goodbye.

We stayed in a motel with two beds for the night. After getting settled in the room, I received a text on my phone.

Rose: Hey, i just wanted to check in. Text me when you get the chance.

Me: Hey, it went well. We are staying in a motel for the night. Will be heading back in the morning.

Rose: Okay.
Well, text me in the morning then.

Me: Okay, I will.
Good night.

The drive back to Southaven is filled with music and small talk. When we pull up the driveway, Rose is in the round-pen with Apollo. I watch as she looks over at us. When I step out of the car, I notice the smile that spreads across her face, and it makes my heart flutter in my chest everytime I see her smile. I can’t help but smile back at her. I find myself walking around the car, in her direction. She walks toward me, stopping to open the gate and close it behind her before continuing toward me. When we got close enough to each other she said, “hey, you’re back.”

“How’d it go?”

“Yeah, it actually went really well.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah. She was a little surprised to see us at first but after the shock wore off we went out for coffee and talked. She even gave her number before we left.”

The relief I feel being able to share this part of my life that I've never shared before is overwhelming. We walked around the farm and she just listened as I told her everything. What happened when we met with my sister, stories from the past, she just listened to me talk and reassured me she was listening.

Adrian stayed for dinner, then he left. As I am changing out of my clothes into sweatpants, I hear a loud thunderous crack outside. Followed by the sound of rainfall and wind. The start of a thunderstorm.


Author's note:
Sorry i haven't updated in awhile. Got a little busy. But here's another chapter.

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