Chapter 1

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Kailiah's POV
I'm just a regular 17 year old junior in high school. Well...I'll be a senior in a few months. I can't wait to get outta that hell hole. I really can't.

I'm in smaller classes due to my anxiety.

They're really helpful actually!

It's easy for me to focus and I don't have to really stress over deadlines. I can work at my own pace. I'm allowed to listen to music while I do my work.

I just need to have only one earbud in. I bring my wired earbuds to school. My wireless ones always stay home when I go to school. I don't want to lose them and I don't want anyone to steal them. I bring my wireless ones with me when I go somewhere that isn't school.

My cousin is an EXTREMELY famous singer. Beatrix Tisdale. We have the same last name since our dads are brothers.

I get to hangout with some singers sometimes. I'm never nervous for some reason. I'm friends with two singers that are my age.

Phoebe and Leon Griffin. We keep in touch online. My cousin's world tour is about to start. The first night of her world tour is in our hometown.

The thing is...

I'm a huge fan of who is opening for her.




His music is the reason why, I'm actually still alive. His music makes me feel like I'm not alone. I've been a fan of him since his music career started.

I'm not even fucking kidding. Him doing a cover of one of Beatrix's songs showed up on my social media. I immediately sent it to her.

I followed him after. He started off with covers and then he went viral.

His following count blew up.

Months later....

His EP came out. That blew up on the charts. It debuted at the top of the charts. It skipped every single song. It went all the way up to the first spot.

He said that he's doing online school since it's easier and more convenient for him.

I've gone to multiple states with Beatrix. She's only 2 years older than me. We've been close since, I was born. She's my first best friend.

The day of opening night of tour came around. It was the day after winter break started. Christmas is in a few weeks.

I wasn't even focusing on that. I woke up early and stared at my ceiling for about 11 minutes. At about 3:45 in the afternoon, a black van with tinted windows pulled up to my house. I grabbed my things and told my family that I was leaving.

I went outside then hopped into the back seat of the car.

"Hey girlie!"

"Hey Bea!"

I started hugging her.

"You excited?"

"Yeah! You know me. I love concerts."

"Oh no. I'm not talking about the concert. I'm talking about meeting him."

"Oh...uh...I don't think...I'll go up to him. I'm scared. I don't wanna embarrass myself."

She wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I don't think so. You're overthinking this. Take a breathe. He's an amazing person. I did some press with him last night."

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