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*Three years later*

"Are you sure about this Kook? Really sure?"

Jungkook glanced around the room, being instantly drawn to the floor to ceiling windows that looked down at the city below.

"Absolutely, I love it" He smiled back at Yoongi.

"This is too soon, don't you think Joon?" Yoongi looked back at his friend but Namjoon only shrugged.

"They've been together over three years, I think that's plenty of time."

"Right but he just graduated two days ago." Yoongi looked around the kitchen, it was very modern, everything brand new and the smell was clean. The place newly constructed and untouched by others. Thinking that now was a good time to possibly look into purchasing one for himself.

"Yoonie, I'm doing this, plus this was mom's idea. What's the problem hyung?"

"His baby is leaving the nest is his problem" Namjoon snickered behind them.

Yoongis eyes turned to slits but he ignored the truthful comment, Jungkook was his baby and now he had already graduated school and purchased an apartment. They had come yesterday for the final signing and now it was officially Jungkook's. Now all they had to do today was wait for the furniture to arrive that would be delivered any minute now.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just you'll always be my little one. You know that right?"

Jungkook giggled and walked into the arms that were awaiting him. "I know Yoonie, I know"

For the past six months Jungkook had kept this secret from Taehyung, Jimin too. Only his mother, Yoongi and Namjoon knew what he was up to. Actually it was his mother's idea, she was the one who had funded it. She had approached him those months ago and gave him the money needed for a home, she had been working, saving up to do just that. It was something she always wanted to be able to do for her son.

He was baffled and refused at first but she persisted and eventually won the argument. She, herself, was moving as well, in with her boyfriend she had met two years prior. So he began the hunt for a home for him and Tae, it was something that they had talked about doing after graduating for a while now, but both thought it would be something that would have to wait until after they had worked for enough money to fund this little adventure of theirs.

Yes, both didn't want to have to rely on their parents or in Tae's case Jimins parents. It was something they wanted to achieve on their own. Of course that's why Jungkook refused to take the money at first but his mother was a stubborn woman and didn't give up. So now here he was, in his beautiful new apartment with views of the city that were to die for.

He was surprising his boyfriend of over three years tomorrow and he couldn't wait. Excitement was eating at him and he found himself bouncing around and fidgeting, unable to stay still trying to picture what Tae's face would be when he found out.

But to have everything ready he needed to hurry and get things in order to do so. He also had another surprise waiting for Tae tomorrow. Something that he was extremely nervous about, but with his mother's reassurance as well as Jimins he had nothing to worry about.

With the furniture all there and put together the three had taken a lunch break and now they just had to unpack all of Jungkooks items as well as decorate, make it into a home.

"Has Jimin agreed yet hyung?"

Yoongi bit down into his noodles, slurping it up into his mouth as he shrugged his shoulders to the question. He had been chasing after that boy for the last year now, but the kid was slippery and not easily caught. He was making Yoongi work for it.

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