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Looking back he saw someone he actually forgot about. Taehyung did that to him, made him forget about everything else around him, carried his mind elsewhere.

That's what happened. That's what was happening.

It had been almost two months since he last saw this person.

Having returned from break just three weeks prior, he was falling into his new routine under a new department at school. Switching majors was hard enough, meeting new people on top of that was stressful.

Thats where Tae came in. Walking into his room and seeing Taehyung huddled over his camera most days melted all the stress away.

So, he kept to himself in his classes. That came naturally to him, he was a shy soul and found it hard conversing with strangers. Only speaking when one would approach him and they would start the conversation first. He also noticed that most stayed away from him. At first he thought it was him, his thoughts making him feel insecure. As if he had offended these people. That was far from the truth.

What he didn't know was it had to do with Taehyung. Word of their relationship had gotten around, as well as what had happened to Jae. Most didn't want to get on Taehyung's bad side, knowing how much he cared for Jungkook is what kept them away. Only a few would approach him, and only then it would have to do with school work, nothing else.

Jungkook was oblivious to all this. But he didn't care at all. Enjoying the peacefulness of school life, something he never experienced. Not needing to surround himself with people, he had all he needed. Taehyung and Jimin, Joonie too. And on occasion his hyung would come and take him out for dinners. Tae would pout on those days, being left all alone and abandoned as he would put it.

Hopefully that was all behind them now. Yoongi had shown up and dragged Tae away with him. Jungkook had denied at first, claiming that he should be present too. Yoongi was adamant on it being just him and Taehyung, he wouldn't budge on his decision. Even with all his pouting and the best eyes he could pull, Yoongi was a stone and denied him continuously.

Taehyung assured him that everything would be ok. Reluctantly he released his hold on Tae's arm and sent his hyung a threatening glare that said 'be nice'.

Now he sat alone at one of the many picnic tables that was placed throughout the campus. This one was indoors underneath a big glass ceiling. Jungkook loved sitting here, especially since the days grew cold. And with the ceiling in this particular building you could enjoy the suns warmth while avoiding the cold breeze.

Of course his time had to be interrupted by the one person that hadn't bothered him in two months. Not that he was counting how long he had last seen this person. That wasn't the case at all. What he was counting was how long he had been able to call Kim Taehyung his boyfriend and those two things happened on the same day.

Call him a romantic, he wouldn't deny it.

One of the perks of being homeschooled was he had a lot of time on his hands. Growing up with his mother he inherited some of her habits and likes. One being anything to do with romance. He was a sucker for it.

He and his mother could spend an entire weekend watching dramas and rom-coms. Even now he could settle for his bed, laptop, a perfectly sappy movie all while cuddled up in Taehyung's arms.

Now back to the intruder standing in front of him and now taking a seat across from Jungkook, with a little grin toying with his lips.

Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, or terrified for that matter. Jae was much bigger than him, obviously stronger. The only thing that Jungkook had going for him was his speed. That could have been a coincidence that day though. As in he had a head-start. And he really didn't want to test that theory out today.

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